
Jamison Parker


Our love for one another flows out of the love we’ve received in Christ.


Acts 2:41-47

Pillar New Testament Commentary – Acts – By David Peterson

In the first part of Ephesians 1, Paul reminds his readers of all the spiritual blessings God the Father has given us through His Son. In the Ephesians 1:15-23, Paul prays that we’ll truly know all the blessings we’ve been given in Christ.


Ephesians 1:15-23

Ephesians For You by Richard Coekin

Pillar NT Commentary, Ephesians by Peter O’brien

“Why the Ascension of Jesus Matters to You” by Russell Moore

The Lord offers peace in the face of fear. Knowing this, King David encourages the reader to seek after one thing: to dwell in the house of the Lord.


Psalm 27

A Commentary on the Psalms: 1-41, Allen Ross

A Shelter in the Time of Trouble, Paul Tripp

A living hope in Jesus compels us to live so that others glorify God. One of the ways we can do this is by blessing those who bother us.


1 Peter 3:8-22

New American Commentary, 1 Peter, by Tom Schreiner

Baker Exegetical Commentary, 1 Peter, by Karen Jobes