
Love is not selfishly angered

I bring up anger because Citylight Church is giving particular attention to strengthening our gospel culture this ministry year. A gospel culture is a church that makes the doctrine of the gospel visible through our culture; our relationships and life together. And at the heart of a gospel culture growing strong is a people learning to love one another as Christ has loves us. Anger and irritability are skilled at indicting others, but unskilled in the love required to cultivate a gospel culture. That’s where the Apostle Paul takes us next in our journey through 1 Corinthians 13. In the middle of verse 5 we read: it [love] is not irritable. That brings us to the big idea of our brief passage: love is not selfishly angered. I say selfishly angered because the sinless Lord Jesus Christ did get angry for the glory of God when he overturned money changer’s tables in the temple out of zeal for his Father’s glory. But Jesus was never irritable; he never got angry over a personal slight or wrong done to himself. Love is not selfishly angered. To address the first rising of anger in the heart and learn to love as Jesus has loved us, we are going to look at selfish anger from three angles this morning: 1. The anatomy of selfish anger. 2. The ugliness of selfish anger. 3. The hope for selfish anger.

Manayunk Service | October 18, 2020 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.

Given on Oct 18, 2020 by Matt Cohen at Citylight Attend a Service as part of the sermon series "Love Is"


Love Does Not Envy

Big idea: Love does not burn with envy. 1. The problem of envy. 2. The solution for envy.

Manayunk – September 27, 2020 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.

Given on Sep 27, 2020 by Matt Cohen at Citylight Attend a Service as part of the sermon series "Love Is"


Enjoy The Days God Gives You

The big idea of our passage this morning is: Enjoy to the fullest the days God gives you.

Given on Jul 21, 2019 by Matt Cohen at Citylight Attend a Service as part of the sermon series "Ecclesiastes"


He Was Raised

Was Jesus really raised? What if Jesus wasn’t raised? What if Jesus was raised?

Given on Apr 1, 2018 by Matt Cohen at Citylight Attend a Service as part of the sermon series "Stand-Alone Sermons"


Christ Died for our Sins

In this Good Friday sermon, we explore the identity of Christ, the death of Christ, and the forgiveness of sins.

Given on Mar 30, 2018 by Matt Cohen at Citylight Attend a Service as part of the sermon series "Stand-Alone Sermons"