Self-Control Will Protect You and Make You Flourish, So Get It.
Use your freedom to serve one another through love specifically.
As we finish our journey through the book of Galatians, Pastor Matt encourages us to Use your freedom to serve one another through love specifically.
1. Bear one another’s burdens (6:1-5)
2. Provide for one another’s needs (6:6-10)
3. Boast only in the cross (6:11-18).
Use Your Freedom To Serve One Another Through Love.
Big Idea: Use your freedom to serve one another through love.
Why? (1) because love fulfills the law (Galatians 5:13-15).
How? (2) by keeping in step with the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:16-26)
Stand Firm In Your Freedom
This week, as we continue our journey through the book of Galatians, Pastor Matt teaches us that we are to Stand firm in your Freedom,
1. The purpose of freedom (vv. 1a)
2. The enemy of freedom (vv. 1b-4)
3. The way of freedom (vv. 5-6)
4. The confidence of freedom (vv. 7-12).
You were slaves, but you are now sons!
This week, as we walk through Galatians 4:1-7, Pastor Matt breaks down the encouraging BIG IDEA: You were slaves, but you are now sons!
God’s Law Doesn’t Override God’s Promise
This week, as we continue our journey through the book of Galatians, Pastor Matt shows us how we can be unburdened from our tendency to relate to God by our law keeping through the BIG IDEA that God’s law doesn’t override God’s promise.
1. God’s law came after God’s promise.
2. God’s law drives you to believe God’s promise.
3. You are one by believing God’s promise.
Relying On Works is Foolish.
This week we hear from Pastor Mark about how Relying on Works is Foolish; he argues it’s not just “wrong,” but actually dumb, and we’re going to see three reasons the Apostle Paul gives why:
1.) Your experience of the Spirit proves it.
2) Scripture proves it.
3) Relying on works brings a curse.
Don’t reject the grace of God.
This week, Pastor Matt encourages us with the Big Idea: Don’t reject the grace of God. What does that look like?
1. Don’t reject those God has welcomed (2:11-14)
2. Remember that you were justified by faith alone, not works (2:15-16)
3. Live by faith (2:17-21)
Citylight Manayunk | September 25, 2022 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.
Stand firm in God’s gospel
This week, the big idea of the first passage in our journey through the book of Galatians is: Stand firm in God’s gospel. We can be unburdened by standing firm in God’s gospel for three reasons:
1. God’s gospel frees you to serve Christ, not people (1:10)
2. God’s gospel was revealed by Christ, not people (1:11-24)
3. God’s gospel was confirmed by the right people (2:1-10).
Why We Need Christmas
We need Christmas
The Gospel Isn’t Taking Up the Cause of Justice
The big idea this morning: The gospel isn’t taking up the cause of justice.
Sin Ruins Everything
Sin ruins everything: Grace changes everything