
Rejoice This Christmas!

It is really good news for all people. Tell the good news!

Given on Dec 24, 2018 by Matt Cohen at Citylight Attend a Service as part of the sermon series "The King Has Come: The Promise Fulfilled_"


Rejoice in the God who Redeems

Rejoice in the God who Redeems

Given on Dec 23, 2018 by Andy Resh at Citylight Attend a Service as part of the sermon series "The King Has Come: The Promise Fulfilled_"


Humble Yourself Before God

Humble yourself before God and you will be full of joy by: looking to God rather than comparing, looking to God rather than your glory, looking to God rather than your worthiness.

Given on Dec 16, 2018 by Matt Cohen at Citylight Attend a Service as part of the sermon series "The King Has Come: The Promise Fulfilled_"


Cheerfully submit to King Jesus

Cheerfully submit to King Jesus because he is the wise king who knows better and the eternal king that secures you forever.

Given on Dec 9, 2018 by Matt Cohen at Citylight Attend a Service as part of the sermon series "The King Has Come: The Promise Fulfilled_"


Take God at His Word

Take God at His word despite his delays by serving God during the delay, praying to God during the delay, and rejoicing in God during the fulfillment.

Given on Dec 2, 2018 by Matt Cohen at Citylight Attend a Service as part of the sermon series "The King Has Come: The Promise Fulfilled_"


The Reality of Hell Motivates Mission

This week we explore the second motivation at the heart of our mission to advance the gospel: the reality of Hell.

Given on Apr 29, 2018 by Matt Cohen at Citylight Attend a Service as part of the sermon series "The Heart of Mission"


Hark! The Herald Angels Sing!

Sing glory to Jesus!

Given on Dec 10, 2017 by Matt Cohen at Citylight Attend a Service as part of the sermon series "Christ of the Carols (2017)"


Did Jesus really rise from the dead?

As strange as it may sound to some, Christians do actually believe Jesus rose from the dead. We believe there was really a Jesus of Nazareth, who walked on the earth, who died just as truly as any other human, who then came back to life and walked out of his tomb in a material, …

Posted on 10/24/2017