
Christ was forsaken so that we wouldn’t be

Given on May 19, 2024 by Zack Connell at Citylight as part of the sermon series "Psalms - Ancient Wisdom for Modern Living"


He Is Risen

Humanity went from its darkest moment of sadness to its greatest joy in an instant that morning at The Tomb; that’s the power of the angel’s announcement that Jesus is risen. And that brings us to the big idea of our passage this morning: He is risen. He is risen. That announcement has the power to change everything for you. So, what should we do with the announcement “He is risen”? Two things:
1. Come and see
2. Go and tell.

Given on Mar 31, 2024 by Matt Cohen at Citylight as part of the sermon series "Easter 2024"


Why the Darkness??

On the day of his death, the Lord Jesus Christ was abandoned by his closest friends, condemned by the Roman authorities, betrayed by his Jewish countrymen, tortured, and crucified on a criminal’s cross. And then the darkness fell. From noon to 3pm, there was darkness over all the land. This darkness was literal and supernatural. And that leads us to the big question we are considering this Good Friday: Why the darkness? Why did darkness fall over all the land for three hours while the Son of God hung on the cross? Why the darkness?

Given on Mar 29, 2024 by Matt Cohen at Citylight as part of the sermon series "Easter 2024"


Always ask boldly and do not lose heart.

Always ask boldly and do not lose heart.
1. See how you’re not like the widow
2. Believe that God isn’t like the judge.
3. Cry to God like the widow.

Given on Jan 21, 2024 by Matt Cohen at Citylight Attend a Service as part of the sermon series "Ask Boldly Surrender Completely"



The big idea of our passage this morning is: Ask we’re going to look at asking from three angles:
1. Ask boldly
2. Ask persistently
3. Ask because you have a Good Father.

Given on Jan 14, 2024 by Matt Cohen at Citylight Attend a Service as part of the sermon series "Ask Boldly Surrender Completely"


Worship The Lord as You See His Handiwork

Given on Dec 31, 2023 by Josh Tizzard at Citylight Attend a Service as part of the sermon series "Stand-Alone Sermons"


Jesus is the promised King

BIG IDEA: Jesus is the promised King
1. Don’t reject Him
2. Worship Him.

Given on Dec 17, 2023 by Matt Cohen at Citylight Attend a Service as part of the sermon series "God With Us"


The child’s name is Jesus & Immanuel.

For our second Advent sermon, Pastor Matt brings us through Matthew 1:18-25 and illuminates the BIG IDEA: The child’s name is Jesus & Immanuel.

Given on Dec 10, 2023 by Matt Cohen at Citylight Attend a Service as part of the sermon series "God With Us"


God’s promise is “yes” to you in Jesus.

Given on Dec 3, 2023 by Matt Cohen at Citylight Attend a Service as part of the sermon series "God With Us"


Ask boldly; surrender completely.

This week, Pastor Matt breaks some MAJOR news for our church family!

Given on Sep 10, 2023 by Matt Cohen at Citylight Attend a Service as part of the sermon series "Stand-Alone Sermons"


We are the light of the world for the glory of God

In the second sermon of our REACH series, Pastor Matt unpacks the BIG IDEA: We are the light of the world for the glory of God.

(1) The light (2) The world (3) The glory of God.

Given on Jan 15, 2023 by Matt Cohen at Citylight Attend a Service as part of the sermon series "This is Why"