Judge Rightly
This week, as a rarely enjoyed treasure, we get to hear from Pastor Paul on how one of the most difficult commands in all the Bible (Judge not, that you be not judged. Matthew 7:1) is actually far BETTER THAN WE THINK.
Citylight Manayunk | July 2, 2023 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.
We are the light of the world for the glory of God
In the second sermon of our REACH series, Pastor Matt unpacks the BIG IDEA: We are the light of the world for the glory of God.
(1) The light (2) The world (3) The glory of God.
Jesus’ name is Immanuel
In our second Advent service of the season, we look at the well known Christmas carol “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” and our passage is Matthew 1:17-23 as Pastor Matt unpacks the BIG IDEA: Jesus’ name is Immanuel
(1) God keeps his promises to us (verse 17-20)
(2) God saves us from our sins (Verses 18-21)
(3) God is with us (Verse 22-23).
Citylight Manayunk | December 11, 2022 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.
Make an eternal impact with the master’s resources
In week #2 of our REACH sermon series, Pastor Matt invites us to unpack the exciting challenge to Make an eternal impact with the master’s resources because
1. It’s all His
2. We are His stewards
3. The stakes are high
Citylight Manayunk | February 2, 2022 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.
Jesus Truly is the Son of God
The big idea of our Good Friday passage: Jesus truly is the Son of God. Our passage this evening provides three reasons to believe that Jesus truly is the Son of God: (1) The curtain, (2) The tombs, and (3) The Centurion.
Come to Jesus for Rest
As we near the end of 2020, we are all in desperate need for rest. It’s only in Jesus, our gentle and lowly Savior, that we’ll find the rest we’re longing for.
Citylight Manayunk | November 29, 2020 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.
Trust your sovereign Father
As a nation, we are clearly in an unprecedented and very fluid situation regarding COVID-19, with new measures being introduced daily. The Citylight elders have been monitoring the ongoing developments with COVID-19, consulting with medical experts from our congregation, listening to the governor’s recommendations, and engaging in prayerful discussion. In light of this, we have unanimously decided, out of love for our members and neighbors, to suspend our normal worship gathering times and locations this Sunday. Instead of gathering in person, we will hold Citylight’s first ever online service.
Do Not Fear to Follow Jesus
Advent Series – Christmas Eve
The End of the Matter
Fear God and live and die well
Pray Consistently. Pray Persistently. Pray Watchfully
Pray Consistently. Pray Persistently. Pray Watchfully
Pray Big. Pray Bold. Pray Believing
We are to pray big, pray bold, and pray believing