
Come Alive to God

Have you been made alive? Our big idea this Easter Sunday is to come alive to God by being made alive, by considering yourself alive, and by fighting for your life.

Given on Apr 21, 2019 by Matt Cohen at Citylight Attend a Service as part of the sermon series "Easter 2019"


Live Out of Your Elect-Identity

Live Out of Your Elect-Identity. 1. Believe the gospel, 2. Imitate gospel-messengers, 3. Be messengers and models.

Given on Mar 3, 2019 by Matt Cohen at Citylight Attend a Service as part of the sermon series "1 Thessalonians"


Welcome One Another as Christ Has Welcomed You

How do we become a church that is a real, partial, imperfect, foretaste of the Kingdom to come? Welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.

Given on Jan 20, 2019 by Matt Cohen at Citylight Attend a Service as part of the sermon series "Citylight's Future"


Seek to Live the Blessed Life

We all want to live a life of permanent happiness, yet we are unsure how to get there.

Given on Dec 30, 2018 by Andy Resh at Citylight Attend a Service as part of the sermon series "Stand-Alone Sermons"


Cheerfully submit to King Jesus

Cheerfully submit to King Jesus because he is the wise king who knows better and the eternal king that secures you forever.

Given on Dec 9, 2018 by Matt Cohen at Citylight Attend a Service as part of the sermon series "The King Has Come: The Promise Fulfilled_"


Sin Ruins Everything

Sin ruins everything: Grace changes everything

Given on Mar 11, 2018 by Mark Giacobbe at Citylight Attend a Service as part of the sermon series "Genesis"


Hark! The Herald Angels Sing!

Sing glory to Jesus!

Given on Dec 10, 2017 by Matt Cohen at Citylight Attend a Service as part of the sermon series "Christ of the Carols (2017)"