Enjoy The Days God Gives You
Ray Ortlund’s second of three Ecclesiastes sermons delivered at Immanuel Church, Nashville.
Ray Ortlund’s second of three Ecclesiastes sermons delivered at Immanuel Church, Nashville.
Philip Ryken
Sidney Greidanus
Preaching Christ from Ecclesiastes
Iain Provan
Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs
Put your hope in God, not wealth because you will not use or be used by others, wealth will not satisfy, it is fleeting, and true hope is found in God alone.
Final point – Pastor Mike, Citylight Center City
Psalm 67
1 Thessalonians 5:16-22
1 Thessalonians (Commentary) by Gene Green (Pillar NT Commentary)
Practicing the Power by Sam Storms
Prophecy in the New Testament and Today by Wayne Grudem
Showing the Spirit by D.A. Carson