Live as Members of a New Family
1 Peter 2:9-12
1 Peter 2:9-12
John 15:12-17
Pillar NT Commentary (John) by DA Carson
Baker Exegetical NT Commentary (John) by Andreas Kostenberger
John 15:7
A Praying Life by Paul Miller
Pillar New Testament Commentary (John) by DA Carson
Baker Exegetical Commentary (John) Andreas Kostenburger
John 15:1-5
Pillar New Testament Commentary (John) by DA Carson
Baker Exegetical Commentary (John) by Andreas Kostenburger
Union with Christ by Rankin Wilsbourne
Genesis 24-25:18
New American Commentary (Genesis) by Kenneth Mathews
Preach the Word (Genesis) by Kent Hughes
ESV Study Bible (Genesis Notes)
Concise Theology by JI Packer
The Providence of God (article) by John Piper
Genesis 23
New American Commentary (Genesis), by Kenneth Mathews
Preach the Word (Genesis) by Kent Hughes
ESV Study Bible
Genesis 22
New American Commentary (Genesis) by Kenneth Mathews
ESV Study Bible (Genesis Notes)
Preach the Word (Genesis) by Kent Hughes
Cost of Discipleship Part 3 by Ray Ortlund (
Genesis 21:1-34
New American Commentary (Genesis) by Kenneth Mathews
ESV Study Bible, Genesis Notes
Preach the Word (Genesis) by Kent Hughes
Cost of Discipleship Part 3 (Sermon) by Ray Ortlund at Immanuel Nashville
Genesis 20
New American Commentary (Genesis) by Kenneth Mathews
ESV Study Bible, Genesis notes
Preach the Word (Genesis) by Kent Hughes
Genesis 18:26 – 19:38