Sin Ruins Relationships

Genesis 4:1-6:8
New American Commentary, Genesis 1-11, Kenneth Mathews
A Tale of Two Cities by Tim Keller

We Are Made For God’s Glory

Genesis 2:4-17
New American Commentary, Genesis 1-11, Kenneth Mathews
Word Biblical Commentary, Genesis 1-15, Gordon Wenham
From Eden to New Jerusalem by T. Desmond Alexander
The Temple & The Church’s Mission by G.K. Beale
Various sermons on God’s glory by John Piper

You are God’s Image

Genesis 1:27
New American Commentary, Genesis 1-11, Kenneth Mathews
God & the Transgender Debate by Andrew Walker
Making Sense of God by Tim keller
The Temple & The Church’s Mission by GK Beale
Marriage & the Mystery of the Gospel by Ray Ortlund Jr.

God Orders the Universe by His Word

Genesis 1:1-25

New American Commentary, Genesis 1-11 by Kenneth Mathews
A Commentary on the Psalms by Allen P. Ross
Redeeming Science by Tim Keller
Painting illustration borrowed from Mike Anderson