Know What You’ve Been Given

Ephesians 1:15-23

Ephesians For You by Richard Coekin

Pillar NT Commentary, Ephesians by Peter O’brien

“Why the Ascension of Jesus Matters to You” by Russell Moore

Supplication: Asking God’s Help

Since the whole world is our Father’s world, we should praise God and ask whatever we want.


Psalm 86

A Praying Life by Paul Miller

Prayer by Tim Keller

Kregel Exegetical Commentary, Psalms, by Alan P. Ross

Confession: Seek God’s Mercy

In Psalm 51, David instructs us to seek God’s mercy through prayer by saying the same thing about our sin that God does and seeking renewed joy in God.

Lose Your Money

Mark 10:17-31

Jesus the King by Tim Keller

Baker Exegetical Commentary, Mark, by Robert Stein