
Becoming a Praying Family

Prayer is the means by which we abide and remain vitally connected to Jesus Christ. Therefore, apart from becoming a praying people there will be no lasting disciple-making fruit to the glory of God. In order to make disciples to the glory of God, we believe Citylight needs to become a praying family.

A praying family experiences the fullness of joy by loving one another as Christ loves us.


John 15:12-17
Pillar NT Commentary (John) by DA Carson
Baker Exegetical NT Commentary (John) by Andreas Kostenberger

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A praying family puts Jesus prayer-promises into practice by abiding in Jesus, absorbing Jesus’ words, and asking whatever we wish.


John 15:7
A Praying Life by Paul Miller
Pillar New Testament Commentary (John) by DA Carson
Baker Exegetical Commentary (John) Andreas Kostenburger

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A praying family abides in Jesus. In this sermon we explore four convictions we must share if our church is going to become a praying family


John 15:1-5
Pillar New Testament Commentary (John) by DA Carson
Baker Exegetical Commentary (John) by Andreas Kostenburger
Union with Christ by Rankin Wilsbourne

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