
Matt Cohen

Lead Pastor

Matt is a California native who has come to love Pennsylvania. He's a graduate of Penn State and Southern Seminary and somehow still loves to read. A former collegiate gymnast, he now prefers outdoor sports, trail running and spending time with his wife Andrea and son Soren. The Cohens live in the East Falls neighborhood of Philadelphia and lead a citygroup in that neighborhood as well. As the lead pastor at Citylight Church Matt guides the overall vision and teaching.


The big idea of Proverbs on pride and humility: God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. So, we are going to learn to take hold of humility by allowing Proverbs to answer three key questions:
1. What is humility?
2. Why does humility matter?
3. How do we grow in humility?


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To experience the difference that Christmas really makes, we need to understand the big idea of our passage this morning: Jesus is the promised King over all. We’ll see two differences in our passage this morning 1. We can worship the true God (over idols) 2. We can be sacrificial (over selfish).


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The Lord’s word through his angelic messenger to Joseph as he confirmed the miraculous birth of Jesus is his word to all of us: Do not fear to obey. And that’s the big idea of our passage this morning: Do not fear to obey Jesus Christ. It’s often frightening, but do not fear to obey Jesus Christ. Why? That’s where we see that Christmas makes all the difference. The angel does not say, “do not fear to obey” because there is nothing to be afraid of. Rather, he gives two grand reasons to not fear to obey Jesus Christ: 1. Jesus saves his people from their sins. 2. Jesus is God with us.


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To experience the difference that Christmas really makes, we need to begin with the person that Christmas is all about; though the angel foretold the arrival of Mary’s child, we have the distinct advantage of looking back with certainty that he has come, and that brings us to the big idea of our passage: The Son of God and Son of David has come. What difference does it make? 1. We can have faith (over unbelief) 2. We can have joy (over jealousy) 3. We can sing (over sadness)


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BIG IDEA: Hear and take hold of wisdom in the real world.
1. Wisdom is calling there (8:1-11)
2. Wisdom gives success there (8:12-21)
3. Wisdom was there (8:22-36).


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Proverbs in particular and the Bible generally, which is Jesus’ word. Proverbs 4:4 – Let your heart hold fast my words. Proverbs 4:10 – Hear, my son, and accept my words. Proverbs 4:20 – My son, be attentive to my words. That brings us to the big idea of Proverbs 4: Listen attentively to Jesus’ words. Listen attentively to Jesus’ words. But why? Though the centrality of God’s word has fallen on hard times, why should we, as a church family, listen attentively to, keep on believing in, and build our lives on Jesus’ word, the Bible? Proverbs 4 provides three reasons: 1. They’ve stood the test of time (4:1-9) 2. They keep you on the path of life (4:10-19) 3. They guard your heart (4:20-29).


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In Proverbs 3, God, through the voice of a father mentoring his son, incentivizes all of us to apply wisdom to all of life. In Proverbs 2, the father told his son to seek wisdom like treasure because wisdom will protect you. In Proverbs 3, the father tells his son to apply wisdom because it will bless you. Proverbs 2 was defense, but Proverbs 3 is offense. That brings us to the big idea of our passage this morning: Apply wisdom to your life and your life will be full of blessing. Apply wisdom to your life and your life will be full of blessing. This raises two key questions: How do we apply wisdom to our lives? What blessings does wisdom bring? To answer those two questions, we’re going to take our passage in four parts. Apply wisdom to your life and your life will be full of blessing. How? 1. Imitate Jesus (vv. 1-4) 2. Trust Jesus (vv. 5-8) 3. Honor Jesus (vv. 9-10) 4. Submit to Jesus (vv. 11-12).


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Our scripture today comes from Proverbs 1:20-33


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I bet you can’t think of a single wise person or fool who got that way on their own; we all know, your companions can make you or break you. In our passage, God, through the voice of a dad speaking to his son, wisely says to all of us this big idea of our passage this morning: When sinners entice you, do not consent. When foolish friends tempt you, as Nancy Reagan said, “just say no.” In our complex world, how can we possibly do that? Our passage provides four ways to avoid consenting when sinners entice us to join in with them.
1. Hear your parents’ instruction (1:8-9)
2. Imagine where sinners will lead you (1:10-18)
3. Turn to the better way (1:19)


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How To Read Proverbs by Tremper Longman III
Proverbs: Wisdom That Works by Raymond C. Ortlund Jr.

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  • Butterfield, Rosaria. Five Lies of our Anti-Christian Age.
  • ESV Study Bible
  • Burroughs, Jeremiah. The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment
  • https://tabletalkmagazine.com/article/2021/02/gods-providence-revealed-in-scripture/


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We all long to be content independent of our circumstances.

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The Holy Spirit, through Jude appeals to all of us to contend for the costly grace that forgives and changes us. And that brings us back to the big idea of Jude: Contend for the true faith. Last week we learned from Jude why to contend for the true faith, namely, because cheap grace is a deadly temptation common to all of us. This week as we draw our study of the Letter of Jude to a close we’ll explore how to contend for the true faith. Three ways according: 1. Remember the predictions (Jude 1:17-19) 2. Keep yourselves in God’s love (Jude 1:20-21) 3. Bring wanderers home (Jude 1:22-23).

ESV Study Bible

New American Commentary. 1, 2 Peter & Jude. Tom Schreiner



The Holy Spirit, through Jude appeals to all of us to contend for the costly grace that forgives and changes us. And that brings us back to the big idea of Jude: Contend for the true faith. Last week we learned from Jude why to contend for the true faith, namely, because cheap grace is a deadly temptation common to all of us. This week as we draw our study of the Letter of Jude to a close we’ll explore how to contend for the true faith. Three ways according: 1. Remember the predictions (Jude 1:17-19) 2. Keep yourselves in God’s love (Jude 1:20-21) 3. Bring wanderers home (Jude 1:22-23).

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The Letter of Jude was written to appeal to men and women, boys and girls, who follow Jesus to contend for what matters most; this morning’s BIG IDEA: Contend for the true faith.
1. You are called, loved and kept by God (vv. 1-2)
2. God’s grace is being perverted (vv. 3-4)
3. Perverting God’s grace leads to eternal punishment (vv. 5-16)


The Letter of Jude was written to appeal to men and women, boys and girls, who follow Jesus to contend for what matters most; this morning’s BIG IDEA: Contend for the true faith.
1. You are called, loved and kept by God (vv. 1-2)
2. God’s grace is being perverted (vv. 3-4)
3. Perverting God’s grace leads to eternal punishment (vv. 5-16)

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3 John was written to free us from the misery of putting ourselves first and free us for the joy of living for the sake of Jesus’ name. 3 John presents to us a contrast between two men: Gaius who troubles himself for the sake of Jesus’ name and Diotrephes, who puts himself first, and makes trouble for Jesus’ name. We will all follow Gaius’ example or the example of Diotrephes. And that brings us to the big idea of 3 John: Live for Jesus’ name.

3 John provides three practical ways to live for the sake of Jesus’ name: 1. Disciple children in the name (vv. 1-4) 2. Financially support advancing the name (vv. 5-8) 3. Don’t imitate those who put themselves ahead of the name (vv. 9-15). 


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The greatest antidote against deception is a local church full of members who love one another in the truth of Christ. And that brings us to the big idea of our passage this morning: ChurchLove one another in truth. It’s a command for the whole church to obey together: love one another in truth. Now, 2 John provides three reasons why only a church loving one another in truth will joyfully glorify God in a world full of deceivers. 1. Love thrives in truth 2. Love in truth is more joyful than deception 3. Love in truth is protection against deception.


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Psalm 24:1 says, “The earth is the LORD’S and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein.” And that brings us to the big idea of Psalm 24: Spread the Good News of the King of Glory throughout the earth. Psalm 24 provides three rock-solid reasons why we should pray, give, send, and/or go to spread the good news of the King of glory throughout the earth. I am indebted to the late biblical scholar Derek Kidner for these three reasons:
1. He is all-creating (vv.1-2)
2. He is all-holy (vv. 3-6)
3. He is all-victorious (vv. 7-10).


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Scripture: Psalm 23
Preacher: Pastor Matt Cohen
BIG IDEA: The Lord is my shepherd. The Lord is my host.
1. He leads me the best way (vv. 1-4)
2. He provides for me abundantly (vv. 5-6)

ESV Study Bible
Heidelberg Catechism
The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment” by: Jeremiah Burroughs.


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The big idea of our passage this morning as we dive back in to our Summer in the Psalms series is: Rejoice in the Lord’s victory. Psalm 21 provides two practical ways to rejoice our way through the already-not yet:
1. Rejoice in the Lord’s past victory (vv. 1-7)
2. Rejoice in the Lord’s future victory (vv. 8-13).

ESV Study Bible
Heidelberg Catechism (1563)
Sinclair Ferguson, https://www.ligonier.org/podcasts/things-unseen-with-sinclair-ferguson/already-and-not-yet


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On this last Sunday in April, Pastor Matt leads us through the very last passages in our journey through the book of Hebrews with the incredibly poignant BIG IDEA: “Remember, obey, and pray for your leaders.”


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As we continue our journey through the Book of Hebrews, our BIG IDEA centers around Hebrews 12:25: Do not refuse Him who is speaking. Why?
1. Because you’ve come to a greater mountain (vv. 18-24)
2. Because you’ve heard a greater warning (vv. 25b)
3. Because You’ve received a greater kingdom (vv. 26-29)

ESV Study Bible
“Covenant and God’s Purpose for the World (Short Studies in Biblical Theology)” by Thomas Schreiner; July 2017


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Humanity went from its darkest moment of sadness to its greatest joy in an instant that morning at The Tomb; that’s the power of the angel’s announcement that Jesus is risen. And that brings us to the big idea of our passage this morning: He is risen. He is risen. That announcement has the power to change everything for you. So, what should we do with the announcement “He is risen”? Two things:
1. Come and see
2. Go and tell.

ESV Study Bible
https://www.crossway.org/articles/4-points-of-evidence-for-the-resurrection/ by Neil Shevni. The arguments for the historical validity of the resurrection are adapted from Shevni’s excellent article.


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Instead of seeing our trials as God’s disfavor, we need to receive them as his loving discipline, fitting us to run. This morning’s passage is Hebrews 12:4-17 and the big idea of our passage, this morning is: Be subject to your Father’s discipline.
1. Because His discipline flows from His love (vv. 4-13)
2. Because He disciplines us for peace and holiness (vv. 14-17).


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On the day of his death, the Lord Jesus Christ was abandoned by his closest friends, condemned by the Roman authorities, betrayed by his Jewish countrymen, tortured, and crucified on a criminal’s cross. And then the darkness fell. From noon to 3pm, there was darkness over all the land. This darkness was literal and supernatural. And that leads us to the big question we are considering this Good Friday: Why the darkness? Why did darkness fall over all the land for three hours while the Son of God hung on the cross? Why the darkness?


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Walk by faith, not by sight…
1. When the path doesn’t match the promise
2. When the path hits opposition
3. When the path leads to triumph or tragedy.


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Hebrews 10:26-39 is our passage this morning and brings us to the big idea: Don’t throw away your confidence in Christ. Don’t throw away your confidence in Christ because holding tightly to it by faith has great, eternal reward.


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Our passage this morning is the hinge in Hebrews. It contains both the end to one major part of the letter and the beginning of the next; it’s a hinge. The first part of the passage will sum up nearly all the theology we’ve learned in Hebrews so far, and then the second part of the passage begins the final section of the letter, which is intensely practical, even more practical than the letter has already been. That brings us to the big idea of our passage this morning: Live in light of Christ’s sacrifice. Live in light of Christ’s once-for-all sacrifice. Ok – how do we do that? To answer that question we are going to take our passage in two parts: 1. The sacrifice 2. The living.


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The big idea of our passage this morning: With Christ we don’t have to fear death. With Christ we have power in life because we don’t have to fear death. Why don’t we have to fear death? Two reasons: 1. Christ died to secure our eternal inheritance 2. Christ will come again with our eternal inheritance.


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As we continue our journey through Hebrews, we find ourselves facing the question, “Who will heal our guilt?”
The answer is the big idea of our passage: Only Christ can cleanse our conscience. Only Christ can cleanse our conscience. This big idea raises big questions. Our passage answers three of them. 1. What can’t cleanse our conscience? (9:1-10) 2. How does Christ cleanse our conscience? (9:11-14a) 3. Why does Christ cleanse our conscience (9:14b).


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Our passage this morning is John 14:12-14 with the BIG IDEA: Whoever believes in Jesus will do greater works than Jesus.1. Jesus went to the Father 2. By praying in Jesus’ name.


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Always ask boldly and do not lose heart.
1. See how you’re not like the widow
2. Believe that God isn’t like the judge.
3. Cry to God like the widow.


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The big idea of our passage this morning is: Ask we’re going to look at asking from three angles:
1. Ask boldly
2. Ask persistently
3. Ask because you have a Good Father.

“A Praying Life’ By Paul Miller


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As we start out the new year, Pastor Matt brings us the unexpectedly uplifting BIG IDEA: Boast in being a ‘weak church.’ Since the Gospel tells us we can boast in our weakness, we’ll walk through:
(1) The purpose of weakness
(2) The power of weakness
(3) The plan of weakness.


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BIG IDEA: Jesus is the promised King
1. Don’t reject Him
2. Worship Him.


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For our second Advent sermon, Pastor Matt brings us through Matthew 1:18-25 and illuminates the BIG IDEA: The child’s name is Jesus & Immanuel.


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This week’s journey through the Book of Hebrews brings us to Pastor Matt’s BIG IDEA: Let us go on to maturity
1. The face of immaturity (5:11-6:3)
2. The danger of immaturity (6:4-8)
3. The blessing of maturity (6:9-12).


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This week’s journey through Hebrews brings us to three of the most reassuring verses in the Bible; Hebrews 4:14-16 reads: “Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”


Join us as Pastor Matt encourages us to Hold Fast to Your Confession:

Because you have a great High Priest…
Because you have a sympathetic High Priest…
Draw near to the Father.



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This week brings up to Hebrews 4:1-13 where Pastor Matt will unpack the BIG IDEA: Fear and strive to enter God’s eternal rest. Together, we will unpack this in three parts:

1. The rest

2. The fear

3. The striving.


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This week we embark on our journey through the Book of Hebrews with the

BIG IDEA: Pay careful attention to Jesus, lest you drift.
1. Jesus is superior
2. Drifting is deadly.

ESV Study Bible


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This week, Pastor Matt breaks some MAJOR news for our church family!

ESV Study Bible

Paul Miller, A Praying Church, 139-143


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This week we dive into Psalm 20 with the BIG IDEA: Trust the Lord in the Day of Trouble.

  1. Understand your trouble (vv. 1)
  2. Ask boldly (vv. 1-5)
  3. Wait confidently (vv. 6-9)


ESV Study Bible

Notes adapted from https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/themelios/article/12-reasons-you-should-pray-scripture/


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As we continue our journey through the Psalms, Pastor Matt illuminates how Psalm 19 teaches us to Listen to the skies and the Scriptures.

ESV Study Bible
Kidner Classic Commentaries, 117


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Pastor Matt is back to unpack Psalm 17 and the BIG IDEA: Pray when your enemies surround you.

How do we do that? When the Devil, the flesh, or, especially, the world tempt you distrust God’s grace and turn from his way:

1. Ask for justice (vv. 1-5)
2. Ask for protection (vv. 6-9)
3. Ask for change (vv. 10-14)
4. Ask with hope (vv. 15)

ESV Study Bible

Citylight Manayunk | August 6, 2023 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


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Philippians 4:13 is one of the greatest verses in the Bible and this week Pastor Matt shows us the seemingly impossible truth that it’s EVEN BETTER than we think!

Philippians 4:13 – I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

BIG IDEA: We can ALWAYS be content through Christ.
1. What is contentment?
2. What is the secret?

The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment by Jeremiah Burroughs


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In his second sermon of our “Better Than We Think” series, we look at 2 Chronicles 7:14 and unpack the encouraging BIG IDEA: that If God’s people pray, then He will hear, forgive, and heal.
This begs the questions:
1. What does it mean?
2. How does it apply today?
3. What about our land?


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In this, the first sermon of our new “Better than we think” series, Pastor Matt takes us through a fresh look at Jeremiah 29:11 to illuminate the encouraging BIG IDEA: our future is incredibly bright! To show us this, we take what our passage says about our future in four parts: 1. The lie 2. The promise 3. The plan 4. The prayer.


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This week, Pastor Matt brings us through the BIG IDEA behind why we should: Sing for joy! The Lord promises redemptive reversals. True happiness is based on rags to riches and reversals of fortune; redemptive reversals and so we sing for joy because the Lord promises redemptive and eternal reversals. What are these redemptive reversals that the Lord promises, such that we should sing for joy?

1. Barrenness to babies (54:1-3)

2. Momentary desertion to everlasting compassion (54:4-10)

3. Storm-tossed to a secure city (54:11-17)


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Why is Jesus the only hope for the guilty? Our passage provides three reasons:
1. Jesus suffered for the guilty (53:1-3)
2. Jesus died for the guilty (53:4-9)
3. Jesus rose for the guilty (52:13-15; 53:10-12).


Ray Ortlund -idea for the Pete Rose illustration.
See Gospel-Centered Life, session 2 – https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5172edf9e4b0152c18fe6692/t/5ae8ba0f6d2a73187a2b8d59/1525201424869/2+-+Pretending+and+Performing+-+Participant%27s+Guide.pdf


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As we continue our journey through the book of Isaiah this morning the big idea of our passage is one of action: Wake up to the good news! No matter what form our spiritual sleepiness takes today, we have received an invitation from God Almighty that is pure grace: Wake up to the good news. Now, to get to the bottom of the big idea, we’re going to take it in two parts:
1. The good news (51:17-2:6)
2. Waking up to it (52:7-12)

Citylight Manayunk | May 7, 2023 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


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We all need comfort for what we’re facing and the Lord is the only true and lasting comforter. This week, Pastor Matt illuminates the big idea of our passage: God is able to comfort you.
But how do we receive it? Our passage provides us with three moves in receiving the Lord’s comfort:
1. Look to God’s promises (51:1-6)
2. Cry out for God’s help (51:9-11)
3. Rest in God’s power (51:7-8, 12-16)




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 The big idea of our passage: Listen to the Servant, all the ends of the earth.

Listen to the Servant, all the ends of the earth. Now, the Servant is the Lord Jesus Christ who speaks through every syllable of Scripture. We listen to the Servant by listening to the Bible – the word of God – and what it says about everything.
But what is the Servant saying in our passage that we should listen to? Two things:
1. He is a light for the nations (49:1-13).
2. He will not forget you (49:14-50:3).

Citylight Manayunk | April 16, 2023 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


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IT’S EASTER! And here at Citylight we’re celebrating the Resurrection of Christ a bit differently this year; rather than defend the resurrection, Pastor Matt wants to talk to us about what to do with it!

The big idea of our passage this Easter is: Bless God for raising Jesus from the dead.
In this sermon, Pastor Matt shows us how The Resurrection brings:

(1) new birth

(2) living hope

(3) unshakeable joy. 


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As our hearts ache over the suffering Jesus went through on our behalf, we’re keeping the message simple this Good Friday and looking at 2 Corinthians 5:21. The Big Idea of our passage, and the points Pastor Matt will be breaking down are: Christ became what we are that we might become what He is.


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What the Lord has to say to us this week (through Pastor Matt) in Isaiah 46-47:15, is the big idea of our passage: Stand firm in the one true God. Who of us doesn’t want to have the story of standing firm?!

Ok, how, by the grace of God, do we “stand firm”? Isaiah 46-47 provides three ways:
1. Compare the one true God to his competition (46:1-7).
2. Remember that there is no other God (46:8-13).
3. See the coming judgment (47:1-15).

Citylight Manayunk | April 2, 2023 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Mike Cosper, Rhythms of Grace:

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The Big Idea of our passage this morning is: The Lord restores His people for a purpose. Get on board with it.

Ok – how does the Lord restore us – so that we can get on board with it?
1. He restores in a surprising way (44:24-45:8)
2. He confronts our discontentment (45:9-13)
3. To save the ends of the earth (45:14-25).

The Prophecy of Isaiah: An Introduction Commentary by Alec Motyer

Isaiah: God Saves Sinners (Preach the Word Commentary) by Ray Ortlund

ESV Study Bible


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BIG IDEA: The Lord revives his people for his glory.

1. Remember who the Lord is (43:22-28)

2. Remember who you are (44:1-5)

3. Return to the Lord (44:6-23)

Citylight Manayunk | March 12, 2023 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.

The Prophecy of Isaiah: An Introduction Commentary by Alec Motyer

Isaiah: God Saves Sinners (Preach the Word Commentary) by Ray Ortlund

ESV Study Bible


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As we continue our way through this section of the book of Isaiah, Pastor Matt encourages us to Sing to the LORD, not idols. 

1. Prosecute your idols (41:21-29)
2. Behold the Servant (42:1-9)
3. Sing a new song (42:10-17).

The Prophecy of Isaiah: An Introduction Commentary by Alec Motyer

Isaiah: God Saves Sinners (Preach the Word Commentary) by Ray Ortlund

ESV Study Bible


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In one of Pastor Matt’s most encouraging sermons yet, he shows us how Isaiah tells us we can FEAR NOT because

1. He rules (40:1-4)
2. He is with you (40:5-16)
3. He refreshes (40:17-20)



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In week two of our Isaiah series, Pastor Matt unpacks a BIG IDEA we all need remonding of from time to time: Wait for the LORD when it feels like he’s doing nothing.
(1) He is incomparably great (Isaiah 40:12-26)
(2) He will give you what you need (Isaiah 40:27-31)

Citylight Manayunk | February 12, 2023 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.

The Prophecy of Isaiah: An Introduction Commentary by Alec Motyer

Isaiah: God Saves Sinners (Preach the Word Commentary) by Ray Ortlund

ESV Study Bible



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As we start our adventure through Isaiah 40-55, Pastor Matt brings us the BIG IDEA that The Holy One is Coming. How should we live in light of this encouraging fact?
1. Be comforted (vv. 1-2)
2. Be ready (vv. 3-5)
3. Be bold (vv.9-11).


The Prophecy of Isaiah: An Introduction Commentary by Alec Motyer

Isaiah: God Saves Sinners (Preach the Word Commentary) by Ray Ortlund

ESV Study Bible

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It’s the day we’ve been waiting for with excited anticipation, it’s our Reach mid-way Commitment Sunday! Today is an incredibly significant day in our life together as Citylight Church and, as such, the BIG IDEA of our passage (Revelation 22:1-5) addresses the big question we’ve been asking ourselves for months: “WHY are we doing all this?” 

We will reign with god forever!

1.The Garden (vv. 1-2)

2.The Curse (vv. 3a)

3.The Throne (vv.3b-5)


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The big idea of our third passage in the REACH series is Christ’s love controls us. If the question is ‘What motivates us?’ Christ’s love is why, it’s his love that controls us, it’s his love that makes us want to pour it all out for him. We are going to look at Christ’s love that controls us from three angles in our passage: (1) The proof of His love (2) The power of His love (3) The purpose of His love.

Citylight Manayunk | January 22, 2023 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


David Garland’s commentary on 2 Corinthians in the New American Commentary Series

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In the second sermon of our REACH series, Pastor Matt unpacks the BIG IDEA: We are the light of the world for the glory of God.

(1) The light (2) The world (3) The glory of God.


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In the first sermon of our This Is Why series, Pastor Matt dives into the BIG IDEA: Gladly Give Yourselves to the Messiah’s Cause.



Ray Ortlund’s Isaiah commentary
Alec Mother’s Isaiah commentary

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Join us for our Ch1ristmas Eve service as Pastor Matt unpacks the BIG IDEA of both our passage and our final Christmas Carol (Silent Night):

Christ the Savior is born!

1.He is the humble Savior

2.He is the glorious Savior

3.He brings us peace


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This week the big idea of our passage is: Wake up to the good news! As Pastor Matt guides us through Isaiah 52:7-12 and our passage shows us three ways He’s waking us up:

1. Sing for joy (Verses 8-9)

2. Go tell it on the mountain (Verses 7, 10)

3. Depart from Babylon (Verses 10-12).



The Prophecy of Isaiah: An Introduction Commentary by J. Alec Motyer
Isaiah: God Saves Sinners (Preaching the Word) by Ray Ortlund
The Real Pheidippides Story

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In our second Advent service of the season, we look at the well known Christmas carol “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” and our passage is Matthew 1:17-23 as Pastor Matt unpacks the BIG IDEA: Jesus’ name is Immanuel

(1) God keeps his promises to us (verse 17-20)

(2) God saves us from our sins (Verses 18-21)

(3) God is with us (Verse 22-23).

Citylight Manayunk | December 11, 2022 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


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In the first week of our “Christ of the Carols” Advent series, pastor Matt joyfully brings us the BIG IDEA: Rejoice over the Good News! Why? 

  1. It really is good news.
  2. It really is for all people. 


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As we finish our journey through the book of Galatians, Pastor Matt encourages us to Use your freedom to serve one another through love specifically.

1. Bear one another’s burdens (6:1-5)

2. Provide for one another’s needs (6:6-10)

3. Boast only in the cross (6:11-18).


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Big Idea: Use your freedom to serve one another through love.

Why? (1) because love fulfills the law (Galatians 5:13-15).

How? (2) by keeping in step with the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:16-26)


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This week, as we continue our journey through the book of Galatians, Pastor Matt teaches us that we are to Stand firm in your Freedom,

1. The purpose of freedom (vv. 1a)

2. The enemy of freedom (vv. 1b-4)

3. The way of freedom (vv. 5-6)

4. The confidence of freedom (vv. 7-12).



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This week, Pastor Matt takes us through the BIG IDEA: You don’t want to be under the law.

  1. You were born of promise, not human effort (4:21-23)
  2. You belong to Jerusalem above, not Jerusalem below (4:24-27)
  3. You listen to Scripture, not false-teachers (4:28-31). 


Tom Schreiner’s commentary and ESV Study Bible

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This week, as we walk through Galatians 4:1-7, Pastor Matt breaks down the encouraging BIG IDEA: You were slaves, but you are now sons!


    1. Zondervan Exegetical Commentary – Galatians by Tom Schreiner 
    2. ESV Study Bible – Notes on Galatians by Simone Gathercole
    3. Galatians by Martin Luther
    4. The Tony Evans Bible Commentary
    5. Galatians 4:1-7 – sermon by Ray Ortlund

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This week, as we continue our journey through the book of Galatians, Pastor Matt shows us how we can be unburdened from our tendency to relate to God by our law keeping through the BIG IDEA that God’s law doesn’t override God’s promise.
1. God’s law came after God’s promise.
2. God’s law drives you to believe God’s promise.
3. You are one by believing God’s promise. 





Tony Evans Bible Commentary
Zondervan Exegetical Commentary – Galatians – Tom Schreiner
ESV Study Bible
Various sermons by Ray Ortlund

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This week, Pastor Matt encourages us with the Big Idea: Don’t reject the grace of God. What does that look like?

1. Don’t reject those God has welcomed (2:11-14)

2. Remember that you were justified by faith alone, not works (2:15-16)

3. Live by faith (2:17-21)

Citylight Manayunk | September 25, 2022 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


ESV Study Bible
Tony Evans Study Bible
Galatians by Martin Luther
Zondervan Exegetical Commentary – Galatians – Tom Schreiner
Holiness by J.C. Ryle
Ray Ortlund – https://immanuelnashville.libsyn.com/2017/03

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This week, the big idea of the first passage in our journey through the book of Galatians is: Stand firm in God’s gospel. We can be unburdened by standing firm in God’s gospel for three reasons:
1. God’s gospel frees you to serve Christ, not people (1:10)
2. God’s gospel was revealed by Christ, not people (1:11-24)
3. God’s gospel was confirmed by the right people (2:1-10).


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On this exciting Sunday, we dive into Paul’s letter to the Galatians with the BIG IDEA that we are to Enjoy grace and peace. In order to do this, Pastor Matt shows us that we must: 1. Rest in Christ’s finished work 2. Refuse false-gospels.

Citylight Manayunk | September 11, 2022 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


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In reflection upon our last year in the Gospel of John, Pastor Matt walks us through Psalm 51 and the BIG IDEA: Come to the Lord for complete cleansing. Now, how do we do that? Psalm guides us through four:
1. Approach the Lord on the basis of His love and mercy
2. Admit your sin honestly to the Lord
3. Ask the Lord to renew and restore your heart
4. Live in the joy of your salvation

Citylight Manayunk | September 4, 2022 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


A Commentary on the Psalms (Volume 2) by Alan Ross

Psalms 1-72: An Introduction and Commentary by Derek Kidner

ESV Study Bible

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This week, Pastor Matt closes out our journey through the Gospel of John and brings some much needed encouragement to our exhausted souls with the profoundly Big Idea: Jesus Restores Backsliders.
1. Jesus seeks backsliders
2. Jesus humbles backsliders
3. Jesus commissions backsliders

Citylight Manayunk | August 28, 2022 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


ESV Study Bible

Expository Thoughts on John by J.C. Ryle

The Gospel According to John, Pillar New Testament Commentary Series, by D.A. Carson

The Tony Evans Study Bible by Tony Evans

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As we approach the end of the Gospel of John, this week Pastor Matt brings us the encouraging Big Idea that we can really Believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.
1. Jesus really did rise.
2. Jesus’ resurrection really does change everything for the better
3. Doubters really aren’t disqualified

Citylight Manayunk | August 21, 2022 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


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This week, Pastor Matt unpacks the eternal truth, our BIG IDEA: It is finished.
1. The Scripture is fulfilled
2. Our sins are forgiven and forgotten

Citylight Manayunk | August 14, 2022 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Pillar New Testament Commentary, The Gospel According to John, by D.A. Carson
The Tony Evans Study Bible by Tony Evans
Expository Thoughts on John by J.C. Ryle

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After several weeks away, Pastor Matt is back to unpack the Big Idea that Jesus’s Kingdom is not of this world but rather it’s the Kingdom of truth!

Citylight Manayunk | August 7, 2022 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Pillar New Testament Commentary, The Gospel According to John, by D.A. Carson
The Tony Evans Study Bible by Tony Evans
Expository Thoughts on John by J.C. Ryle

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Big Idea: Don’t be troubled. Love Jesus.

1. The Holy Spirit is in you (vv. 15-24)

2. The Holy Spirit teaches you (vv. 25-26)

3. Jesus gives you His peace (vv. 27-30)

Citylight Manayunk | June 26, 2022 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Pillar New Testament Commentary, The Gospel According to John, by D.A. Carson
Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament, The Gospel According to John, by Andreas Kostenberger
The Tony Evans Study Bible by Tony Evans
Expository Thoughts on John by J.C. Ryle
The Biggest Story by Kevin DeYoung
I Have Other Sheep That Are Not Of This Fold – Sermon by John Piper

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In an incredibly encouraging sermon, this week Pastor Matt dives into the BIG IDEA: Don’t be troubled. Believe in Jesus.

1. Heaven is sure (vv.1-3)

2. He is the way (vv. 4-11)

3. He will do what we ask in his name (vv. 12-14).

Citylight Manayunk | June 19, 2022 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Pillar New Testament Commentary, The Gospel According to John, by D.A. Carson
Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament, The Gospel According to John, by Andreas Kostenberger
The Tony Evans Study Bible by Tony Evans
Expository Thoughts on John by J.C. Ryle
The Biggest Story by Kevin DeYoung
I Have Other Sheep That Are Not Of This Fold – Sermon by John Piper

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This week Pastor Matt dives into one of Jesus’s greatest commandments and our BIG IDEA: Love One Another

Citylight Manayunk | June 12, 2022 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Pillar New Testament Commentary, The Gospel According to John, by D.A. Carson
Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament, The Gospel According to John, by Andreas Kostenberger
The Tony Evans Study Bible by Tony Evans
Expository Thoughts on John by J.C. Ryle
The Biggest Story by Kevin DeYoung
I Have Other Sheep That Are Not Of This Fold – Sermon by John Piper

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In light of the start of Citylight’s Mission Conference, Pastor Matt highlights the encouraging fact (and BIG IDEA) that Jesus’ worldwide mission, and your part in it, will succeed.

1. Jesus has other sheep

2. Jesus must bring other sheep

3. Jesus will have one flock.

Citylight Manayunk | June 5, 2022 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Pillar New Testament Commentary, The Gospel According to John, by D.A. Carson
Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament, The Gospel According to John, by Andreas Kostenberger
The Tony Evans Study Bible by Tony Evans
Expository Thoughts on John by J.C. Ryle
The Biggest Story by Kevin DeYoung
I Have Other Sheep That Are Not Of This Fold – Sermon by John Piper

State of the World – The Task Remaining

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As we continue our adventure through the book of John, this week Pastor Matt unpacks the seemingly conflicting Big Idea that one must Lose your life in this world to keep it forever. However, in true Jesus fashion, we learn how freeing “losing our life in this world” can really be, and how God will use it for the ultimate good.

Citylight Manayunk | May 22, 2022 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Pillar New Testament Commentary, The Gospel According to John, by D.A. Carson
Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament, The Gospel According to John, by Andreas Kostenberger
The Tony Evans Study Bible by Tony Evans
Expository Thoughts on John by J.C. Ryle
The Biggest Story by Kevin DeYoung

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This week Pastor Matt shows us how the Gospel of John encourages us to follow the Biblical example and Pour it all out for Jesus because:

  1. Jesus is the Lamb
  2. Jesus is the Anointed One
  3. Jesus is the gentle King

Citylight Manayunk | May 15, 2022 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Pillar New Testament Commentary, The Gospel According to John, by D.A. Carson
Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament, The Gospel According to John, by Andreas Kostenberger
The Tony Evans Study Bible by Tony Evans
Expository Thoughts on John by J.C. Ryle
The Biggest Story by Kevin DeYoung

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This week Pastor Matt dives into the BIG IDEA that Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life

 (1) What does it mean? (2) What do we do about it? 

Citylight Manayunk | May 8, 2022 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Baker Exegetical Commentary On the New Testament, 335, Andreas Kostenberger

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This week Pastor Matt encourages us to Worship the Good Shepherd beause

(1) The Good Shepherd calls his sheep (1-6)

(2) The Good Shepherd gives abundant life to his sheep (7-10)

(3) The Good shepherd dies for his sheep (11-18).

Citylight Manayunk | April 24, 2022 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


John (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament) by Andreas J. Köstenberger

Shepherds After My Own Heart: Pastoral Traditions and Leadership in the Bible, Vol. 20 (New Studies in Biblical Theology)
by Timothy S. Laniak


Effectual Calling


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Big idea: Jesus can save you to the uttermost.
(1) Why he can save
(2) Who he can save
(3) How he can save

Citylight Manayunk | Easter Sunday from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


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This week Pastor Matt dives into the BIG IDEA: Jesus gives true sight to the blind. How does he do that? 1. By a work of God 2. In a way that makes us different. 3. To blind those who see.

Citylight Manayunk | April 10, 2022 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


– ESV Study Bible (notes on the Gospel of John by Andreas Kostenberger)
– Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament – The Gospel According to John -Andreas Kostenburger
– The Gospel According to John (Pillar New Testament Commentary) by D.A. Carson, page 311-312
-Expository Thought on John by J.C. Ryle

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This week we continue our Gospel of John series by looking at John 8:12-30 and diving into the big idea that we are to Follow the Light of the World.

Citylight Manayunk March 27 2022 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


The Gospel According to John (Pillar New Testament Commentary Series) by D.A. Carson

The Gospel According to John (Baker Exegetical Commentary Series) by Andreas Kostenburger

Expository Thoughts on John by J.C. Ryle

Africa Study Bible, notes on the Gospel of John by Samuel Ngewa


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This week we continue our Gospel of John series by looking at John 7:53-8:11. This passage is very unusual because it turns out that, as well-known as it is, it doesn’t appear in the earliest and best copies of the Bible. In this sermon, Pastor Matt walks us through the issues surrounding this passage and shows us why we can trust our Bibles. Then, using this text as a starting point, Matt explains the big idea of the passage: Come to Jesus for grace and seek to sin no more.* He shows how other portions of the gospel of John back up this passage, with three crucial points: 1. Jesus is gentle toward sinners. 2. Jesus saves sinners. 3. Jesus changes sinners.

* This big idea is very similar to the final point in John Piper’s message on this passage entitled Neither Do I Condemn You.

Citylight Manayunk | March 20, 2022 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.





Sermon Resources:
Text Criticism and the Pulpit: Should One Preach About the Woman Caught in Adultery? Tim Miller (Themelios)
Baker Exegetical Commentary (John) by Kostenburger
Pillar NT Commentary (John) by Carson
Neither Do I Condemn You (sermon) by John Piper
Tony Evans Study Bible
Expository Thoughts on The Gospel of John by J.C. Ryle
Textual Criticism: What is it and Why do we Need it? Brandon Crowe
“Misquoting” Jesus? Answering Bart Ehrman by Greg Koukl (I adapted the illustration of Grandma Sally’s recipe from this article. I really did have a Grandma Sally)
Textual Variants: It’s the Nature, Not the Number That Matters by Greg Koukl

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his week we resume our Gospel of John series by looking at John 7:37-52. This continues where we left off last time, where Jesus was teaching at the Feast of Booths. This text includes a famous passage, where Jesus calls the thirsty to come to him and drink. The big idea is simply that Jesus offers us living water. We will explore what that means, and what we can do about it.

Citylight Manayunk | March 13, 2022 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


– ESV Study Bible (notes on the Gospel of John by Andreas Kostenberger)
– Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament – The Gospel According to John -Andreas Kostenburger
– The Gospel According to John (Pillar New Testament Commentary) by D.A. Carson, page 321-333
-Expository Thought on John by J.C. Ryle

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In the final sermon for our Reach series, Pastor Matt walks through the concluding section of 2 Corinthians 9. In 2 Cor 9:11-15, we learn that we should  Give so that others will give thanks to God. How does that work?

1. Your giving supplies needs
2. Your giving supplies more than needs
3. Your giving is His gift.


Citylight Manayunk | March 6, 2022 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


2 Corinthians (The New American Commentary) by David Garland, pages 412-416.

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In week four of our REACH series, Pastor Matt shows from 2 Corinthians 9:1-10 how we can be motived to give bountifully. Specifically, we see three reasons from this text to give bountifully:

1. You will receive bountiful rewards
2. You will have bountiful hearts
3. You have a bountiful God

Citylight Manayunk | Feburary, 27 2022 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


2 Corinthians (The New American Commentary) by David Garland, pages 400-412.

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In week four of our REACH series, Pastor Matt explains how we can be encouraged to excel in the grace of generous giving. Second Corinthians 8:6-15 gives us three reasons why:

1. It proves your love
2. He became poor for you
3. Desire isn’t enough

Citylight Manayunk | February 20, 2022 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


2 Corinthians (The New American Commentary) by David Garland, pages 365-366.

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In week three of our REACH series, Pastor Matt explains how outlandish generosity doesn’t start with the giving of money, but rather when you Give Yourself  to the Lord and let everything else flow from there.

1. Others already have
2. He will lead you to joyful generosity

Citylight Manayunk | February 13, 2022 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


2 Corinthians (The New American Commentary) by David Garland, pages 365-366.

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In week #2 of our REACH sermon series, Pastor Matt invites us to unpack the exciting challenge to Make an eternal impact with the master’s resources because

1. It’s all His
2. We are His stewards
3. The stakes are high

Citylight Manayunk | February 2, 2022 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


ESV Study Bible, notes on the Gospel According to Matthew

R.T. France, The Gospel According to Matthew, NICNT

Alcorn, Randy. Money, Possessions, and Eternity. Tyndale House, 2003 (image)

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This week, Pastor Matt kicks off our REACH sermon series by encouraging us to Joyfully join the Messiah in His cause because:

1. His cause is good news

2. His cause is glorious

3. His cause can’t fail.

Citylight Manayunk | January 30, 2022 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Isaiah: God Saves Sinners (Preach the Word) by Ray Ortlund, 409
ESV Study Bible – Notes on Isaiah 61

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This week, Pastor Matt teaches us that we can Trust Jesus’ Authority since:

1. His timing is the Father’s timing
2. His teaching is the Father’s teaching
3. His home is the Father’s home

Citylight Manayunk | Januart 23, 2022 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


– ESV Study Bible (notes on the Gospel of John by Andreas Kostenberger)
– Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament – The Gospel According to John -Andreas Kostenburger
– The Gospel According to John (Pillar New Testament Commentary) by D.A. Carson, page 311-312
-Expository Thought on John by J.C. Ryle

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This week, Pastor Matt tackles the difficult question most of us face at least one time (and asked by Jesus Himself, to His disciples): “Do you want to go away as well?” Choosing to follow Jesus can be hard sometimes; in this sermon, we look to what Jesus says on the matter:

  1. Only those who believe in Him have eternal life
  2. We have to eat his flesh and drink his blood
  3. You can’t come to Him on your own

Citylight Manayunk | January 16, 2022 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


– ESV Study Bible – Study notes on the Gospel According to John
– Pillar New Testament Commentary Series – The Gospel According to John – DA Carson

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This week Pastor Matt invites us to Come to the Bread of Life (Jesus)

1. Come to Him for eternal life
2. Come to Him for satisfaction
3. Come to Him to never be cast out

Citylight Manayunk | January 9, 2022 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


– ESV Study Bible – Study notes on the Gospel According to John
– Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament – The Gospel According to John – -Andreas Kostenburger
– Pillar New Testament Commentary Series – The Gospel According to John – DA Carson

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This Christmas Eve, Pastor Matt invites us to “REJOICE! THE CHILD SHINES IN OUR DARKNESS!” Together we’ll look at 1. The darkness 2. The joy and 3. The Child

Citylight Manayunk Christmas Eve Service | December 24, 2021 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Isaiah: God Saves Sinners (Preaching the Word) by Ray Ortlund

The Prophecy of Isaiah: An Introduction Commentary by Alec Motyer

ESV Study Bible

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In our second Advent sermon, Pastor Matt encourages us with the BIG IDEA: Beloved, let us love one another because 1. Love is from God, 2. God is love, and 3. God has loved us.

Citylight Manayunk | December 12, 2021 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


New City Catechism
New American Commentary, 1 John, by Danny Akin
John Frame, The Doctrine of God


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In our first sermon of Advent 2021, Pastor Matt dives into the the big idea that we are to “Receive His Peace” What type of peace do we receive from Jesus? 1. Upward 2. Outward 3. Inward

Citylight Manayunk | December 5, 2021 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


The NIV Application Commentary: Luke. By Darrel Bock




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1. Bring Him your hard life
2. Trust His promise
3. Live beyond your hard life

Citylight Manayunk | Novemeber 21, 2021 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


– ESV Study Bible – Study notes on the Gospel According to John
– Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament – The Gospel According to John – -Andreas Kostenburger
– Pillar New Testament Commentary Series – The Gospel According to John – DA Carson

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This week, Pastor Matt teaches us to live by the satisfaction of accomplishing the Father’s work by showing us that 1. Jesus is still working, 2. Jesus has prepared a harvest, and 3. Jesus is the Savior of the world.

Citylight Manayunk | November 16, 2021 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


– ESV Study Bible – Study notes on the Gospel According to John
– Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament – The Gospel According to John – -Andreas Kostenburger
– Pillar New Testament Commentary Series – The Gospel According to John – DA Carson

Read sermon transcript

1. He is the groom
2. He gives eternal life

Citylight Manayunk October 31, 2021.mov from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


– ESV Study Bible – Study notes on the Gospel According to John
– Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament – The Gospel According to John – -Andreas Kostenburger
– Pillar New Testament Commentary Series – The Gospel According to John – DA Carson

Read sermon transcript

BIG IDEA: You must be born again

1. See that you need it
2. Look to the Son of Man

Citylight Manayunk | October 17, 2021 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


– ESV Study Bible – Study notes on the Gospel According to John
– Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament – The Gospel According to John – -Andreas Kostenburger
– Pillar New Testament Commentary Series – The Gospel According to John – DA Carson

Read sermon transcript

BIG IDEA: Jesus is the true Temple
1. What it means
2. What to do about it


– ESV Study Bible – Study notes on the Gospel According to John
– Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament – The Gospel According to John – -Andreas Kostenburger
– Pillar New Testament Commentary Series – The Gospel According to John – DA Carson
– https://www.desiringgod.org/interviews/why-we-must-understand-the-temple-in-gods-plan-today
– https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/blogs/ray-ortlund/zeal/

1. In His time
2. Better than what came before
3. For His glory


ESV Study Bible – Study notes on the Gospel According to John
Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament – The Gospel According to John – Andreas Kostenburger
Pillar New Testament Commentary Series – The Gospel According to John – DA Carson

Read sermon transcript

1. Seek Him
2. Point to Him
3. Recognize Him

Citylight Manayunk | September 26, 2021 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


ESV Study Bible – Study notes on the Gospel According to John
Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament – The Gospel According to John – Andreas Kostenburger
Pillar New Testament Commentary Series – The Gospel According to John – DA Carson

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As we continue our journey through the Gospel of John, Pastor Matt illuminates the Big Idea that “I am not the Christ, Jesus is” by showing us that: 1. Jesus is the Redeemer, 2. Jesus is the Lamb and 3. Jesus is the Son.

Citylight Manayunk | September 19, 2021 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


ESV Study Bible – Study notes on the Gospel According to John
Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament – The Gospel According to John – Andreas Kostenburger
Pillar New Testament Commentary Series – The Gospel According to John – DA Carson
The New City Catechism: Question #16

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Big Idea: Jesus tells the whole story of God.

  1. He is God.
  2. He is the light.
  3. He is man.


John 1:1-18

DA Carson – Pillar Commentary Series – The Gospel According to John

Andreas Kostenburger – Baker exegetical series – The Gospel According to John

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In this incredibly rare instance, Pastor Matt preaches a topical sermon on very biblical principle that:

God’s family learns!
(Key points:)

  1. Blessing
  2. Protection
  3. Love
  4. Witness
  5. Christ


Citylight Manayunk | August 29, 2021 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


ESV Study Bible

The Biggest Story: How the Snake Crusher Brings Us Back to the Garden by Kevin DeYoung

Read sermon transcript


  1. Pray
  2. Love
  3. Invite
  4. Speak


CItylight Manayunk | August 22, 2021 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Church Membership by Jonathan Leeman

Baker Exegetical Commentary on Acts by Darrel Bock
A Praying Life by Paul Miller

ESV Study Bible

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Big Idea: God’s family welcomes one another

  1. How do we welcome? 
  2. Why do we welcome? 
  3. What’s the point?

Citylight Manayunk | August 15, 2021 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Church Membership by Jonathan Leeman

Romans 15:7 ESV

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This week, pastor Matt Cohen kicks off our August sermon series on “God’s Family” by showing from the Scriptures that “God’s family has members.” The text is Ephesians 2:18-19. He answers the questions, Why join a local church? And, What are the benefits of joining a local church?

Citylight Manayunk | August 1, 2021 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Church Membership by Jonathan Leeman

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This week, pastor Matt Cohen brings us comfort by digging into Psalm 13 to help us to pray through pain so we can rejoice in God. How? . Turn to God 2. Bring your complaint. 3. Ask for specific help. 4. Renew your trust in His loyal love.

Citylight Manayunk | July 25, 2021 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Treasury of David by Charles Spurgeon

Psalms: An Introduction and Commentary by Tremper Longman

ESV Study Bible: Psalm 13

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As a wrap up to our “Reach 2021” Missions Conference, pastor Matt explores our calling to

Sing to the Lord among the Nations:
1. Because of who He is
2. Because He prescribes it
3. Because of what He will do.

Citylight Manayunk | June 27, 2021 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Psalm 96

  • ESV Study Bible
  • Psalms (The Expositor’s Bible Commentary), by Willem A. VanGemeren
  • Psalms: An Introduction and Commentary (Tyndale Old Testament Series) by Tremper Longman III
  • A Commentary on the Psalms (Kregel Exegetical Library) by Allen P. Ross

Answering 7 Common Objections to Long-Term Missions



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This week, Pastor Matt leads us through Psalm 9 to see how we should “Worship the Lord for His wonderful works” because, in His great love, He defeats your enemies and He secures your salvation.

Citylight Manayank | June 20, 2021 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Psalm 9

  • ESV Study Bible
  • Psalms (The Expositor’s Bible Commentary), by Willem A. VanGemeren
  • Psalms: An Introduction and Commentary (Tyndale Old Testament Series) by Tremper Longman III
  • A Commentary on the Psalms (Kregel Exegetical Library) by Allen P. Ross

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This week Pastor Matt “Marvels at the majesty of our Creator” as we explore how God “wins through the weak” and just how much “He cares for YOU.”

Citylight Manayunk | June 13, 2021 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Psalm 8
ESV Study Bible

Psalms (The Expositor’s Bible Commentary), by Willem A. VanGemeren
Psalms: An Introduction and Commentary (Tyndale Old Testament Series) by Tremper Longman III
A Commentary on the Psalms (Kregel Exegetical Library) by Allen P. Ross

John Piper, The Peculiar Mark of Majesty, Part 1


The big idea of our passage this morning is: we become what we behold. Based on Jared Mellinger’s book Think Again, Pastor Matt looks at five areas of life where the gospel frees us from beholding ourselves so that we can behold Christ and become more like Him: identity, self-esteem, doubt, goodness, and confession.

Citylight Manayunk | May 30, 2021 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Think Again: Relief From the Burden of Introspection by Jared Mellinger

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The big idea of our final passage this morning is: Stay focused on good works. Stay focused on doing what the Bible commands out in the world so that others will see our good deeds and give glory to our Father in heaven. Citylight, stay focused on growing strong as a gospel culture that makes the truth of the gospel visible through our good works out in the world. Stay focused on good works. For the rest of our time together, we are going to answer one question: How? How can Citylight church stay focused on good works? Three answers from our passage today: (1) Avoid foolish controversies, (2) Warn divisive people, and (3) Meet kingdom needs.

Citylight Manayunk | May 23, 2021 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Titus 3: 9-15

ESV Study Bible

Titus For You by Tim Chester

1/2 Timothy & Titus commentary in the Pillar series by Robert Yarbraugh

Deep Work by Cal Newport

The Cross of War: Christian Nationalism and U.S. Expansion in the Spanish-American War

The Incompatibility of Critical Theory and Christianity

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Titus 3:8: The saying is trustworthy and I want you to insist on these things so that those who have believed in God may be careful to devote themselves to good works. That brings us to the big idea of our passage: Devote yourselves to good works.

Citylight Manayunk | May 16, 2021 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Titus 2:15-3:8
Titus For You by Tim Chester
1/2 Timothy & Titus commentary in the Pillar series by Robert Yarbraugh
ESV Study Bible

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The big idea of our passage this morning: Grace has appeared to make us godly. Far from being opposed to godly living, God’s grace has appeared to be our, so to speak, personal trainer, mentor, and tutor in godliness. Grace has appeared to make us godly. With that said, I want to spend the rest of our time together this morning answering one question: how does grace teach us to be godly? We’ll see three answers in our passage this morning: 1. Grace saves us 2. Grace trains us 3. Grace orients us.


Titus 2:11-14
ESV Study Bible
Titus For You by Tim Chester
1/2 Timothy & Titus commentary in the Pillar series by Robert Yarbrough
Grace is Not a Thing by Jeremy Treat

Saving Grace by Sam Storms

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The big idea of our passage: Elders must rebuke false teachers. Why? 1. They are divisive 2. They are worldly. 3. They are legalistic 4. There is hope.

Citylight Manayunk | April 25, 2021 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Titus 1: 10-16Adapted from Mark Dever’s book The Gospel & Personal Evangelism
Titus For You by Tim Chester
1/2 Timothy & Titus commentary in the Pillar series by Robert Yarbraugh

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Th big idea of our passage: Your church needs qualified elders. What are elders? Elders (pastors/overseers) are men who (i) meet the qualifications in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9, (ii) are recognized by their congregation as elders, (iii) and lead the congregation by teaching the Word (1 Tim. 3:2), praying for the sheep (Jas. 5:14), and overseeing the affairs of the church (1 Pet. 5:2). Question: what kind of elders should you appoint, pray for, encourage, follow, and imitate? That’s the question Titus 1:5-9 answers. Qualified elders are: (1) Above reproach at home, (2) Above reproach in character, and (3) Above reproach in doctrine.

Citylight Manayunk | April 18, 2021 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Titus 1: 5-9
ESV Study Bible

What is a church elder?

Robert Yarbrough, Pillar Commentary, Pastoral Epistles
Titus For You by Tim Chester
1/2 Timothy & Titus commentary in the Pillar series by Robert Yarbraugh

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How can we all together live lives that really matter and last as an attractively different gospel culture in our world? The answer is the big idea of the opening of Paul’s letter to Titus: Be servants of God. Now, the Bible says that God is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything (Acts 17:15). And yet, Paul’s vision for a church that lasts is living as servants of God. So, what do servants of God serve? (1) Faith, (2) Godliness, (3) In hope.

Citylight Manayunk Service | April 11, 2021 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Titus 1: 1-4
Titus For You by Tim Chester
1/2 Timothy & Titus commentary in the Pillar series by Robert Yarbraugh

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Matthew 28:6, “He is not here, for he has risen, as he said.” That brings us to the big idea and the great news of Easter: Jesus has risen, as he said. But why should we believe that Jesus is risen and what does this great news mean for you and me today? To answer that question, we’re going to explore the resurrection through the eyes of the: (1) The Guards, (2) The Women, and (3) The Brothers.

Citylight Manayunk Easter Service | April 4, 2021 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Matthew 28:1-10

Why It Matters Theologically and Historically That Women Were the First to Discover the Empty Tomb

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The big idea of our Good Friday passage: Jesus truly is the Son of God. Our passage this evening provides three reasons to believe that Jesus truly is the Son of God: (1) The curtain, (2) The tombs, and (3) The Centurion.


Matthew 27:51-54 ESV Study Bible

What Did the Temple Look Like in Jesus’ Time?

R.T. France, Matthew, NICNT

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The church is the new house where God dwells and as we come to end of our journey through Nehemiah, the message is clear: keep rebuilding. How do we do that? (1) Be attractively different (2) Be obediently generous (3) Be truly rested.

Citylight Manayunk | March 28, 2021 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Nehemiah 13
NICOT commentary on Nehemiah
Tyndale commentary on Nehemiah
ESV Study Bible

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Nehemiah 12 provides three ways to enjoy our weekly gatherings for the rededication ceremonies that they are: 1. Prepare yourself, (2) Sing joyfully together, and (3) Support God’s workers.


Nehemiah 12: 27-47
NICOT commentary on Nehemiah
Tyndale commentary on Nehemiah
ESV Study Bible

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Nehemiah 9:38: Because of all this we make a firm covenant in writing; on the sealed document are the names of our princes, our Levites, and our priests. This brings us to the unifying big idea of this morning’s long passage: rebuilding requires re-covenanting. To get to the heart of what re-covenanting is and what it means for each of us and our church today, we are going to explore the concept of re-covenanting from four angles: (1) The essence of re-covenanting, (2) The specifics of re-covenanting, (3) The blessing of re-covenanting, and (4) The curse.

Citylight Manayunk | March 14, 2021 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Nehemiah 9:38-12:26 Fensham, NICOT

Do I Have to Tithe?

NICOT commentary on Nehemiah
Tyndale commentary on Nehemiah
ESV Study Bible

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We build up the church as a gospel culture by honestly confessing our sins; rebuilding requires it. But confession isn’t easy. How do confess our sins? Three ways: (1) Celebrate God’s goodness, (2) Say the same thing about your sin that God does, (3) Rejoice that His mercy is more.

Citylight Manayunk | March 7, 2021 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Nehemiah 9: 1-37
NICOT commentary on Nehemiah
Tyndale commentary on Nehemiah
ESV Study Bible

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How can we be doers of the word? Our passage provides three ways: 1. Study it carefully 2. Obey it immediately 3. Celebrate it joyfully.

Live Stream on 2021-02-28 at 084517 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


ESV Study Bible
All Truth is God’s Truth by Keith Mathison
At what point can you say you have learned something? by David Wilkinson
NICOT, Ezra-Nehemiah, Charles Fensham
Ezra & Nehemiah, Tyndale Old Testament Commentary, Derek Kidner
Peter O’brien, Ephesians, PNTC
Finding Jesus in the Feast of Tabernacles by David Brickner

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As we move into Nehemiah 8, the wall has been rebuilt, the city is now secure, so Nehemiah can finally gather God’s people together as one. Nehemiah 8:1: And all the people gathered as one man into the square before the Water Gate. And they Told Ezra the Scribe to bring the Book of the Law of Moses that the LORD had commanded Israel. That brings us to the big idea of our passage today: rebuilding requires gathering around God’s word. Now, you may be wondering, “does he mean gather in person?” We’ll come back to that. I want us to first consider the question, “why does rebuilding require gathering around God’s word?” Three answers from our passage: 1. To hear God’s word 2. To understand God’s word 3. To worship the God of the word.

Citylight Manayunk | February 14, 2021 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Nehemiah 8:1-8
NICOT commentary on Nehemiah
Tyndale commentary on Nehemiah
ESV Study Bible
Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Christian Belief by John Frame, page 594
Expanded from David Helm’s definition in Expositional Preaching: How We Speak God’s Word Today

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How do we finish well? 1. Stay on the wall 2. Maintain your integrity 3. Remember the people

Citylight Manayunky | February 7, 2021 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Nehemiah 6-7
NICOT commentary on Nehemiah
Tyndale commentary on Nehemiah
ESV Study Bible

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How does Jesus lead us in overcoming internal conflict? Our passage provides us with three ways: 1. Speak the truth in love. 2. Respond to truth with humility.

Citylight Manayunk | January 31, 2021 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Nehemiah 5
NICOT commentary on Nehemiah
Tyndale commentary on Nehemiah
ESV Study Bible
What is true repentance?  – Ray Ortlund

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The book of Nehemiah is all about rebuilding together after hardship. In Nehemiah 1-3, we’ve learned that rebuilding together begins with prayer, but in chapter four we learn that rebuilding proceeds amidst opposition. That brings us to the big idea of our passage is: Keep rebuilding in the face of opposition. Citylight, we are in a season of seeking the rebuilding and renewing grace of God for ourselves personally and for our church as an attractively different gospel-culture that portrays the very beauty of Jesus. For us, rebuilding means each of us taking our dignified place and doing our dignified part in building up our church in gospel-empowered worship, community, and mission. The Bible says we are always rebuilding in the face of opposition, but Nehemiah 4 provides three ways to keep rebuilding in the face of opposition: (1) Look to the Lord (2) Encourage one another (3) Stay on guard.

Citylight Manayunk | January 24, 2021 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Nehemiah 4
NICOT commentary on Nehemiah
Tyndale commentary on Nehemiah
ESV Study Bible
Adapted from Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville
https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/the-surprising-ministry-of-encouragement Ibid

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Nehemiah 2-3 provide three reasons why it’s worth pouring our lives into building up the church and strengthening our gospel culture: 1. God’s good hand is on us. 2. God has put a good work in our hearts. 3. God rebuilds through each of our hands.


Citylight Manayunk Service | January 17, 2021 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Nehemiah 2-3
NICOT commentary on Nehemiah
Tyndale commentary on Nehemiah
ESV Study Bible

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Nehemiah 1:4 As soon as I heard these words I sat down and wept and mourned for days, and I continued fasting and praying before the God of heaven. This brings us to the big idea of our passage: Rebuilding begins with prayer. There are three basic kinds of prayer: upward prayer (praise), inward prayer (confession), and outward prayer (petition). How does prayer rebuild us? 1. Praise reorients us 2. Confession humbles us 3. Petition empowers us. (Nod to Tim Keller)

Citylight Manayunk | January 10, 2020 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Nehemiah 1Prayer by Tim Keller
NICOT commentary on Nehemiah
Tyndale commentary on Nehemiah
ESV Study Bible
Covenant and God’s Purpose for the World by Tom Schreiner

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The big idea of our passage: plant yourself in the Bible in 2021. As strong as our longing may be to experience the fullness of joy in 2021, we all can use a little motivation to plant ourselves in the Bible this year. Psalm 1 provides that for us. Why should we plant ourselves in the Bible in 2021? Psalm 1 provides three reasons: 1. You’ll be happier. 2. You’ll be more stable. 3. You’ll stand in the judgment.

Citylight Manayunk l January 3, 2021 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Psalm 1

ESV Study Bible

Referenced Mike Anderson


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Who is the King of Glory? The service that is the culmination of our Advent series looks at the answer to this question from the beginning of the Bible to the end. Throughout, we learn and re-learn the true message of Christmas. The hope of the world has arrived and we need not fear any longer.

Citylight Church Christmas Eve Service | December 24, 2020 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Revelation 12


Dear downhearted,

You’re not alone. I’m weary too. Sometimes just knowing that helps. What’s making you weary? Not sure? That’s when you really know you’re weary. You’re exhausted and overwhelmed and don’t even know why. Slow down for a moment; it will probably come to you. Me? I think that I am weary from all the unknown and the seemingly endless stream of decisions that attend this season. I think that the decisions are the most challenging part for me. It’s wearying to make so many decisions, and I tend to trouble my troubles by wondering if I’ve made the right ones. But enough about me. Has it come to you yet? Do you have an idea why you’re weary? Whatever it is, I want to share with you my favorite weariness passage: Isaiah 40:27-31.

Why do you say, O Jacob,

and speak, O Israel,

“My way is hidden from the LORD,

and my right is disregarded by my God”?


Have you not known? Have you not heard?

The LORD is the everlasting God,

the Creator of the ends of the earth.

He does not faint or grow weary;

his understanding is unsearchable.


He gives power to the faint,

and to him who has no might he increases strength.


Even youths shall faint and be weary,

and young men shall fall exhausted;


but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength;

they shall mount up with wings like eagles;

they shall run and not be weary;

they shall walk and not faint.

In Isaiah 40:27-31, the Lord has three things to say to both of us in our weariness.

Your way is not hidden from the Lord. Verse 27 is a response to the voice that you hear in your head when you’re weary: “The Lord doesn’t see me. I’m alone.” My weary friend, let’s not trouble our troubles by believing the lie that God is distant or disinterested. He sees us in our weariness, he loves us in our weariness, and he’s near to us in our weariness. Your way isn’t hidden from him.

He’s not weary. He’s everlasting; he has no beginning and isn’t going anywhere. He’s the creator; he’s never had to depend on anyone for anything, ever. He’s never faint or weary; he never has to catch his breath or get a good night’s sleep. His understanding is unsearchable; He’s never confused, nothing is unknown for him, and he works out everything perfectly. He’s not weary. 

He loves to give power to the weary. As Ray Ortlund Jr. says, “God never suffers setbacks, and he helps those who do.” The Lord loves to give strength to weary people who wait upon him. Waiting on the Lord is savoring God’s promise by faith until the time of fulfillment (Ortlund). My weary friend, let’s take our weariness to the Lord and wait upon him. He is strong and he loves to provide endless supplies of strength to weary people. 

Your weary and strengthened friend,

Pastor Matt 


Dear downhearted,

Discontentment is a problem that is as old as the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve were discontent; they ached over the forbidden fruit that she didn’t have and were willing to be done with God in order to have it. 

What is contentment? In The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment, 17th century Puritan Jeremiah Burroughs defines content as “that sweet, inward, quiet, gracious frame of spirit, which freely submits to and delights in God’s wise and fatherly disposal in every condition” (19). 

How can we, by the grace of God, pursue the rare jewel of Christian contentment? 

Treasure Jesus

In Philippians 4:12-13, Paul writes, “I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. 13 I can do all things through him [Christ] who strengthens me.” Jesus himself is the secret of contentment because in Jesus you’ve received mercy that is far weightier than anything you lack. With Jesus as your shepherd, you have all and have no lack (Psalm 23:1). Treasure Jesus.

Treasure Lowliness

In Psalm 131, David writes, “O LORD, my heart is not lifted up; my eyes are not raised too high; I do not occupy myself with things too great and too marvelous for me. 2 But I have calmed and quieted my soul, like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child is my soul within me.” Contentment comes when we keep our eyes low, where Jesus is (Matthew 11:29), rather than lifting them up to compare ourselves with others or to look at what we do not have. Treasure lowliness.

Treasure Holiness

In Colossians 3:5, Paul writes, “Put to death therefore what is earthly in you…” There is no sweetness of frame in our souls while we treasure sin. When we attack sin with grace, we attack discontentment at its core. Treasure holiness. 

Treasure God’s Sovereignty

There is nothing in your life that comes apart from your good Father. Jeremiah Burroughs writes, “The Lord knows how to order things better than I. The Lord sees further than I do; I only see things at present but the Lord sees a great while from now. And how do I know but that had it not been for this affliction, I should have been undone” (36). Treasure God’s sovereignty.

Treasure The Future

The sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the eternal weight of glory that awaits all who belong to Jesus (2 Cor. 4:17). Treasure your future, and the afflictions of this life will begin to seem light and momentary compared to the eternal weight of glory that will be yours with Jesus. Treasure the future.

Yours in Christ,


Prize the real king of glory. This raises a critical question: why? 1. He is the word of life. 2. He is our fellowship. 3. He is our joy.

Citylight Manayunk | December 20, 2020 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


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Dear downhearted,

Grief is the emotional pain that accompanies loss. 2020 has been a year of grief for many of us. We’ve lost jobs, relationships, money, dreams, traditions, experiences, a sense of normalcy, and some of us have even lost loved ones. When the waves of grief are crashing on your life or the dark sadness will not lift, there are three unshakeable truths that can sustain our intimacy with, and even joy in, the Lord.


Psalm 34:8 says, “The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” When grief rises, we remember that the Lord is near to the brokenhearted and he loves to lift up the crushed in spirit. The Lord is spatially everywhere, but he is especially with the grieving, to bless and protect them. In fact, the gospel message itself is the good news that, far from standing at a distance from our pain, the Lord entered into our fallen world to rescue us. The Bible says that Jesus himself was a man who was acquainted with much grief (Isaiah 53:4), so he can sympathize with our grief. My grieving friend, the Lord is no absentee divinity. He is near to you!


The Lord is near to hear you. In Hosea 7:14a, speaking about his grieving people, the Lord says, “They do not cry to me from the heart, but they wail upon their beds…” The Lord is not rebuking his suffering people for crying. Rather, the Lord says that they are crying in the wrong direction. Everyone cries; the question is in what direction. Remember, Jesus taught his disciples to pray, “Our Father in heaven.” “Our Father” communicates warmth and “in heaven” communicates power. The Father that we cry to is as compassionate as he is capable. He stoops to hear the cries of his grieving people. My grieving friend, the Lord hears your laments. He hears your prayers in pain. Cry to Him!


Grieve and cry as those who have hope. Perhaps my favorite passage on grief comes from 1 Peter 1, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, 5 who by God’s power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. 6 In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials” (1 Peter 1:3-6). My grieving friend, you have been born again through faith in the resurrected Christ. You’ve been born into a future family inheritance that is imperishable. Set your hope fully on the day when Jesus will return and grief will be no more, and rejoice. Your season of grief is not worth comparing with the eternal weight of glory that is coming to all who love Jesus. Grieve, but not as those who have no hope, because your future is incredibly bright. 

Yours in Christ,


In Philippians 2:5 Paul connects the overarching theme of joy to the way that we think: Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus. That brings us to the big idea of our passage this morning: For the sake of joy, think like Jesus. Daily joy comes as we take on the attitude and mindset, the very thinking of Jesus, specifically in the way that we relate to one another. What kind of thinking characterized the king of glory, born in a manger? 1. He thought of others 2. He thought of God 3. He thought of future glory.

Citylight Manayunk | December 13, 2020 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Philippians 2:5-11
ESV Study Bible
Peter O’brien, NIGC, 230-231

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Our big idea this morning: Jesus is God’s ultimate word to you. Sometimes when we are weary and discouraged, we wish God would just speak to us. That would fix everything. He has! Jesus is everything God wants to say to you in a person. So, what should we do with Jesus? We’ll explore two answers this morning: 1. Know Jesus. 2. Pay close attention to Jesus.

Citylight Manayunk | December 6, 2020 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Hebrews 1:1-4 ESV Study Bible

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At Citylight Church, we strive to be a culture shaped by the gospel. As a gospel culture, we look to the gospel for solutions to our problems and one of the most significant and common problems we face today is loneliness.


What is loneliness? 

Dr. Stephanie Cacioppo, director of the Brain Dynamics Laboratory at the University of Chicago, writes, “Loneliness is a state of mind characterized by a dissociation between what an individual wants or expects from a relationship and what that individual experiences in that relationship. Because loneliness is a state of mind, being physically alone is not a necessary…condition to experience loneliness.” 


Where does loneliness come from? 

We can trace the roots of loneliness all the way back to Genesis and the Garden of Eden. In Genesis 1-2, there was not a hint of loneliness in the Garden. The man and the woman were fully known and fully loved by God and one another. Genesis 2 concludes with these beautiful words, “And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed” (Gen. 2:24). Sadly, things did not stay perfect in God’s world for long. Adam and Eve believed the terrible lie that God didn’t love them, ate the forbidden fruit, and alienation entered into our relationship with God and one another (Ephesians 2:1-3; Titus 3:3). Loneliness is a feature of this fallen world.


How does the gospel apply to loneliness? 

The gospel is the good news that the creator God is adopting sinners as his sons and daughters by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. Adoption is the greatest benefit of the gospel. “In love, he predestined us for adoption as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will” (Ephesians 1:4-5). My lonely friend, the promise of the gospel is that all who receive and rest in Jesus Christ for salvation are not only forgiven, we are adopted. And since we are adopted on the basis of Christ’s merits, not our own, nothing can separate us from the love of our Father (Romans 8:31-39). No matter what is making you feel lonely, your Father is not far away. He will never leave or forsake you. Let his presence be your deep and abiding hope as you wait for the day when your faith shall be sight! 


Where shall I go from your Spirit? Or where shall I flee from your presence? If I ascend to heaven, you are there! If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there! If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there your hand shall lead me, and your right hand shall hold me. If I say, “Surely the darkness shall cover me, and the light about me by night,” even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is bright as the day, for darkness is a light with you (Psalm 139:7-12).


Yours in Christ,



1 Corinthians 13:13: So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love. The final big idea of our journey into the heart of love: Nothing is greater than love.

Citylight Manayunk | November 22, 2020 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


1 Corinthians 13
Jonathan Edwards – Charity and It’s Fruits
Phil Ryken – Loving as Jesus Loves
Ray Ortlund – The Gospel
David Garland – Baker commentary on 1 Corinthians
Thistleton – New International Greek Commentary on 1 Corinthians

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God gives us two reasons to give ourselves to love, the first we’ll look at today, the next, this coming Sunday, and the first is that love is the answer to our wise question, “What really does last?” The answer is the big idea of 1 Corinthians 13:8-12: Love never ends. Why does love never end? 1. Love is goal. 2. Heaven is a world of love.

Citylight Manayunk | November 15, 2020 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


1 Corinthians 13
Wayne Grudem – Systematic Theology
Jonathan Edwards – Charity and It’s Fruits
Phil Ryken – Loving as Jesus Loves
Ray Ortlund – The Gospel
David Garland – Baker commentary on 1 Corinthians
Thistleton – New International Greek Commentary on 1 Corinthians

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The big idea of 1 Corinthians 13:7: Love always endures. Enduring love in the church sounds romantic, but when we set our hearts to love the real church community that God has brought around us, the question that comes to mind: How do we do it? How does love endure? Three answers: 1. Love always bears 2. Love always believes 3. Love always hopes.

Citylight Manayunk | November 8, 2020 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


1 Corinthians 13

Jonathan Edwards – Charity and It’s Fruits
Phil Ryken – Loving as Jesus Loves
Ray Ortlund – The Gospel
David Garland – Baker commentary on 1 Corinthians
Thistleton – New International Greek Commentary on 1 Corinthians

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I bring up anger because Citylight Church is giving particular attention to strengthening our gospel culture this ministry year. A gospel culture is a church that makes the doctrine of the gospel visible through our culture; our relationships and life together. And at the heart of a gospel culture growing strong is a people learning to love one another as Christ has loves us. Anger and irritability are skilled at indicting others, but unskilled in the love required to cultivate a gospel culture. That’s where the Apostle Paul takes us next in our journey through 1 Corinthians 13. In the middle of verse 5 we read: it [love] is not irritable. That brings us to the big idea of our brief passage: love is not selfishly angered. I say selfishly angered because the sinless Lord Jesus Christ did get angry for the glory of God when he overturned money changer’s tables in the temple out of zeal for his Father’s glory. But Jesus was never irritable; he never got angry over a personal slight or wrong done to himself. Love is not selfishly angered. To address the first rising of anger in the heart and learn to love as Jesus has loved us, we are going to look at selfish anger from three angles this morning: 1. The anatomy of selfish anger. 2. The ugliness of selfish anger. 3. The hope for selfish anger.

Manayunk Service | October 18, 2020 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


1 Corinthians 13Jonathan Edwards – Charity and It’s Fruits
Phil Ryken – Loving as Jesus Loves
Ray Ortlund – The Gospel
David Garland – Baker commentary on 1 Corinthians
Thistleton – New International Greek Commentary on 1 Corinthians

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The big idea of our passage is Love is not proud. Since pride is that vice that we most readily see in others, but most rarely see in ourselves, we are going to spend significant time diagnosing our own pride before we move to the hope for humility. This morning we’re going to explore 1. The heart of pride. 2. The words of pride. 3. The actions of pride. 4. The hope for humility.

Manayunk – October 4, 2020 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


1 Corinthians 13
Jonathan Edwards – Charity and It’s Fruits
Phil Ryken – Loving as Jesus Loves
Ray Ortlund – The Gospel
David Garland – Baker commentary on 1 Corinthians
Thistleton – New International Greek Commentary on 1 Corinthians

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Big idea: Love does not burn with envy. 1. The problem of envy. 2. The solution for envy.

Manayunk – September 27, 2020 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


1 Corinthians 13Jonathan Edwards – Charity and It’s Fruits
Phil Ryken – Loving as Jesus Loves
Ray Ortlund – The Gospel
David Garland – Baker commentary on 1 Corinthians
Thistleton – New International Greek Commentary on 1 Corinthians

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The big idea of today’s brief passage: Love shows patience and does kindness. The reason I say, “shows Patience” and “does kindness” is because the words translated “patient” and “kind” are actually verbs, action words. Love is when others are truly dear to you and love acts by showing patience and doing kindness. This morning, we’ll take our big idea in two parts: 1. Love shows patience. 2. Love does kindness.

Citylight Manayunk | September 20th, 2020 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


1 Corinthians 13
Jonathan Edwards – Charity and It’s Fruits
Phil Ryken – Loving as Jesus Loves
Ray Ortlund – The Gospel
David Garland – Baker commentary on 1 Corinthians
Thistleton – New International Greek Commentary on 1 Corinthians

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Since love is the epicenter of a gospel culture growing strong, today we begin our fall sermon series in 1 Corinthians 13, which the Apostle Paul wrote to teach a church how to love one another. Let’s begin our journey by reading 1 Corinthians 13:1-3: If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing. The big idea of these verses is both simple and significant: You Need Love! I wonder: what do you feel like you really need these days? Paul’s aim in these opening verses is to convince you that what you really need right here and right now is love. To help us see that we need love, we’re going to explore two things. You need love even if (1) You have great gifts, (2) You do great things.

September 13 Manayunk from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


1 Corinthians 13:1-3

Jonathan Edwards – Charity and It’s Fruits
Phil Ryken – Loving as Jesus Loves
Ray Ortlund – The Gospel
David Garland – Baker commentary on 1 Corinthians
Thistleton – New International Greek Commentary on 1 Corinthians

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The big idea of our passage: Don’t give way to fear when the storms come. Easier said than done. How? Our passage provides us with two answers: 1. Believe God. 2. Take action.

Manayunk August 30, 2020 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Acts 27: 1-44 ESV Study Bible
Pillar New Testament Commentary, The Acts of the Apostles, by David Peterson
Exalting Jesus in Acts, Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary, by Tony Merida

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Paul’s example brings us to the big idea of our passage and my longing for Citylight Church: Faithfully witnesses for the long haul. One unique characteristic of Paul’s speech before Governor Festus and King Agrippa in Acts 26 is that it’s not all that unique from Paul’s other speeches. You don’t need to learn a lot of new things in order to be a faithful witness to Jesus for the long haul. Rather, you need to remember three glorious things a whole life long: 1. Remember your commission. 2. Remember your message. 3. Remember your appeal.

Citylight Manayunk | August 23, 2020 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Acts 25:13 – 26:33
Abraham Kuruville, A Manual For Preaching
Pillar New Testament Commentary, The Acts of the Apostles, by David Peterson
Exalting Jesus in Acts, Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary, by Tony Merida

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You don’t need to learn a lot of new things in order to be a faithful witness to Jesus for the long haul. Rather, you need to remember three glorious things a whole life long: 1. Remember your commission. 2. Remember your message. 3. Remember your appeal.

August 16, 2020 Manayunk from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Acts 24: 1-25 – 25:12

Pillar New Testament Commentary, The Acts of the Apostles, by David Peterson
Exalting Jesus in Acts, Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary, by Tony Merida

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If you’re anything like me, then you’re not really sure what to do with a big idea like that. “How can I be ready to suffer for Christ?” Luke will provide us with three answers: 1. Prioritize Jerusalem. 2. Pursue Fellowship. 3. Practice Prophecy.

Citylight Manayunk | Online – July 26, 2020 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Acts 21: 1-17

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Luke, what are you doing? Why are you spending so much time writing to a mostly Christian audience about the way the gospel disrupted life in Ephesus? The likely answer is the big idea of Acts 19:21-40: The gospel powerfully disrupts the city. Luke recounts Paul’s final moments in Ephesus with great detail, I believe, because he wants to motivate and prepare all Christians, including us, to take the gospel into our world. Be motivated and prepared to take the gospel into the world that the Lord has called you to and placed you in; your family, your neighborhood, your school, your work place. As we press into the details of Acts 19:21-41, we’ll learn two concrete implications for our lives that flow from the reality that the gospel powerfully disrupts the city: 1. Be motivated to share it. 2. Be prepared for opposition.

Citylight Manayunk | Online – July 12, 2020 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Acts 19:21-40

Pillar New Testament Commentary, The Acts of the Apostles, by David Peterson
Exalting Jesus in Acts, Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary, by Tony Merida
ESV Study Bible

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Acts 19:20: So the word of the Lord continued to increase and prevail mightily. In other words, what got them out of bed in the morning was not an alarm clock, but a calling. The calling to live so that the gospel would prevail. That brings us to the big idea of our passage: Live so the gospel prevails. Live so the gospel prevails. Feel free to wake up to an alarm clock but get out of bed for the greatest calling imaginable. Get out of bed so that you can take your dignified place in the advance of God’s Kingdom and live so the gospel prevails in our generation. How do we live so the gospel prevails? Luke shows us two ways: play your God-given part and let the gospel prevail over you.

Citylight Manayunk | Online – July 5, 2020 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Acts 18:24-19:20
ESV Study Bible
Pillar New Testament Commentary, The Acts of the Apostles, by David Peterson
Exalting Jesus in Acts, Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary, by Tony Merida
NIV Application Commentary, by Ajith Fernando

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Luke provides us with three key ingredients for taking the gospel to intellectuals: 1. Get provoked for God’s glory and the good of others. 2. Expose idols gently. 3. Invite repentance clearly.

Citylight Manayunk | Online – June 28, 2020 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


Acts 17:16-34

Pillar New Testament Commentary, The Acts of the Apostles, by David Peterson

Exalting Jesus in Acts, Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary, by Tony Merida

NIV Application Commentary by Ajith Fernando

ESV Study Bible

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