
Better Than We Think

Over six Sundays we are going to learn together from six of the best known and most beloved passages in the entire Bible. Though these passages are incredibly popular, we rarely have the opportunity to do a deep dive into each one of them. As we slow down and look in depth at each of these beloved passages of Scripture, we will learn that they are even better than we think.

In another rare treat we hear from Pastor Tim (Well, “just Tim who is a pastor”) in a brilliant sermon on a topic that’s of interest to practically anyone who is human; our BIG IDEA: “You CAN Be Happy!” 

We all ask the same question: HOW?

1. Don’t envy the wicked (v1-2)
2. Trust God with your desires (v3)
3. Delight in God (v4)

Psalms: An Introduction & Commentary » Tremper Longman
Psalms (The Expositors Bible Commentary) » Willem A. VanGemeren
The Treasury of David » Charles Spurgeon
Is Oprah Right on Psalm 37:4? » John Piper
Battling the Unbelief of Envy » John Piper Sermon
Pastoral Prayer: Delighting Ourselves in the Lord » Scotty Smith


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This week, as a rarely enjoyed treasure, we get to hear from Pastor Paul on how one of the most difficult commands in all the Bible (Judge not, that you be not judged. Matthew 7:1) is actually far BETTER THAN WE THINK.

Citylight Manayunk | July 2, 2023 from Citylight Church on Vimeo.


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Philippians 4:13 is one of the greatest verses in the Bible and this week Pastor Matt shows us the seemingly impossible truth that it’s EVEN BETTER than we think!

Philippians 4:13 – I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

BIG IDEA: We can ALWAYS be content through Christ.
1. What is contentment?
2. What is the secret?

The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment by Jeremiah Burroughs


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In his second sermon of our “Better Than We Think” series, we look at 2 Chronicles 7:14 and unpack the encouraging BIG IDEA: that If God’s people pray, then He will hear, forgive, and heal.
This begs the questions:
1. What does it mean?
2. How does it apply today?
3. What about our land?


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In this, the first sermon of our new “Better than we think” series, Pastor Matt takes us through a fresh look at Jeremiah 29:11 to illuminate the encouraging BIG IDEA: our future is incredibly bright! To show us this, we take what our passage says about our future in four parts: 1. The lie 2. The promise 3. The plan 4. The prayer.


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