

Now what? That’s the question burning in Jesus’ disciples mind at the beginning of the Book of Acts. Jesus lived, died and rose to forgive their sin and promise them eternal life. But now what? Jesus answers this question with three simple words: Be my witnesses! The Christian life is an exhilarating adventure of bearing witness of what we have seen, felt and experienced through the gospel of Jesus. The Book of Acts displays the Kingdom of God, in all its wonder, advancing by the power of the Holy Spirit through the planting of churches. All this activity stems from who Jesus has made us: His witnesses!

At the heart of Jesus’ plan to expand the Kingdom of God is a Spirit-filled, compelling community


Acts 2:42-47

Acts: An Exegetical Commentary by Craig Keener

Exemplary Life: A Theology of Church Life in Acts by Any Chambers

Kingdom Community (Sermon) by Mark Giaccobe

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Church planting is New Testament strategy for being witnesses. In this sermon we explore what this strategy means for the life of every Christian.


Acts 1:8; 13:1-4

Pillar NT Commentary: Acts by David Peterson

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Many of us love the idea of living as witnesses but feel powerless to align our desires and our experience. In this sermon we explore how the Holy Spirit uniquely empowers Jesus’ witnesses.


Acts 1:1-8

Pillar New Testament Commentary: Acts by David Peterson

NAC Commentary: Acts by John Polhill

Various sermons by John Piper

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The worldwide movement known as ‘the church’ all began with three simple words: “Be my witnesses!” This command is an invitation to join in the exhilarating adventure of exalting our King and expressing His Kingdom.


Acts 1:1-8

NAC Acts Commentary by John Polhill

ESV Study Bible

Total Church by Timmis & Chester

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