Honor God With Authority and Honor God Under Authority
Proverbs assumes that God has delegated authority into this world and that the presence of this authority should be treated as the hunter safety course treats the rifle. Proverbs also provides extensive instructions about how to honor God when you have authority and how to honor God when you’re under authority because authority is an incredibly powerful gift for accomplishing great things in this world, but when authority is misused it’s as deadly as a rifle. That brings us to what Pastor Matt unpacks the big idea of Proverbs on the topic of authority: Honor God with authority and honor God under authority. Honor God with authority and honor God under authority. This morning we’ll take that big idea in two parts: 1. Honor God with authority 2. Honor God under authority.
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I suffer from a little known disease called “adult onset hunting.” Adult onset hunting. I grew up in Los Angeles where my family did exactly zero hunting and never handled firearms. However, a few years ago my brother-in-law took me pheasant and squirrel hunting and I came down with adult onset hunting. Now I really enjoy hunting with Soren and we’ve even killed a couple deer, which my wonderful wife graciously cooks for our family. Now, before you hunt for large game like deer, you’re supposed to take an online hunter safety course. In that hunter safety course you learn how to properly handle and hunt with a rifle. You learn how to carry the rifle when you walk to your hunting spot or stand, how to load your rifle properly, how to handle it before you shoot, how to shoot it correctly, and how to safely transport your rifle home. The course doesn’t argue for or against hunting with a rifle. Rather, the course assumes the use of a rifle and then goes into extensive detail about how to use the rifle properly so that you use it for good and not for harm. The rifle is a given and if used properly it can help you feed your family with genuinely free range meat, but if used improperly it can literally kill you.
The Book of Proverbs treats authority a bit like the hunter safety course treats a rifle. Proverbs assumes that God has delegated authority into this world. We all know this instinctively because if you’ve been in a situation where there is a leadership or authority vacuum, it’s always temporary. Someone will take functional authority because it’s simply too unloving and impractical for a group to have something significant to accomplish and there be no one who is in charge. You even see this in little children on the playground. Eventually, team captains emerge, teams will be chosen, and the game gets going because someone takes authority. Proverbs assumes the presence of authority in our world and then treats it like the hunter safety course treats the rifle. Proverbs provides extensive instructions about how to honor God when you have authority and how to honor God when you’re under authority because authority is an incredibly powerful gift for accomplishing great things in this world, but when authority is misused it’s as deadly as a rifle. That brings us to what I believe is the big idea of Proverbs on the topic of authority: Honor God with authority and honor God under authority. Honor God with authority and honor God under authority. This morning we’ll take that big idea in two parts: 1. Honor God with authority 2. Honor God under authority.
Now, before we get into those two practical points, we need to answer a critical question: to whom has God delegated authority? In Proverbs, God’s authority is delegated through God’s King who ruled over God’s old covenant people. Now that Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior has been born, lived, was crucified for our sins, and raised to give eternal life to all who repent and believe, God’s people are no longer constituted by one single nation. Rather, the people of God are those from every tribe, tongue, and nation who confess Jesus Christ as Lord. So, now that Christ is risen, He rules with absolute authority over every nation and over His church. Psalm 103:19 – The LORD has established his throne in the heavens, and his kingdom rules over all. The LORD rules over all, but, and this is so important, He rules different spheres of creation through different earthly, delegated authorities. Let’s make this concrete by reviewing which authorities God has delegated his rule to on earth. 1. God rules over every nation-state through the delegated authority of government (Romans 13:1). And the Bible provides us with plenty of material to help us discern when to submit to the government and when and how to resist it. 2. God rules every local church through the delegated authority of the plurality of qualified pastors or elders (see 1 Peter 5:1-5). 3. God rules over every family through the delegated authority of the husband and over children through the delegated authority of the father and mother (Ephesians 5:22, 25). 4. God rules over every workplace through the delegated authority of what the Bible calls earthly “masters,” bosses (see Ephesians 6:5-9). 5. God rules over each believer in Christ through the delegated authority of the fellow members of their local church (see Matthew 18:15-17). As you can see, in some way God has entrusted each one of us with authority and He has placed each one of us under authority. Let’s make this personal; how has God entrusted you with authority and where has he placed you under it? Whatever your answer, in each position you have an incredible opportunity to accomplish good, or evil. So, let’s take our own hunter safety course, if you will. Let’s learn how to honor God with authority and honor Him under authority.
How do you honor God with authority, whether you have some kind of authority in government, at work, in your home, in a ministry, or over one another in our church? Proverbs 29:4 helps us grasp the heart of what we should do with the authority delegated to us by God: By justice a king builds up the land, but he who exacts gifts tears it down. The word “land” doesn’t refer literally to the ground, but to the citizens. Under good and godly authority people are built up and flourish, but under compromised authority kingdoms, companies, churches, marriages, and children crumble. Broad principle: Honor God with authority by using your authority to maximize the flourishing of the people under your authority, to the glory of God. How do we become the kind of people who use authority in a way that causes others to flourish? Proverbs urges us to cultivate at least three virtues.
Cultivate godliness. Proverbs 16:12 – It is an abomination to kings to do evil, for the throne is established by righteousness. The 19th century Scottish Presbyterian pastor Robert Murray M’Cheyne once wrote, “the greatest need of my people is my holiness.” This applies not just to a church, but to a nation. The late Charles Bridges wrote in his commentary on Proverbs, “Godliness, being the chiefest top and well-spring of all true virtues,’ is the foundation of national prosperity.” There is something about being under the authority of someone who truly walks with God. They raise the temperature both of joy and holy seriousness at the same time. Do you want your nation or city to flourish? Its greatest need is your holiness. Do you want your direct reports to prosper? Their greatest need is your holiness. Do you want your wife to be a fruitful vine? Her greatest need is your holiness. Do you want your children to be strong and godly? Their greatest need is your holiness. Do you want your church to be strengthened in the faith and increase in numbers daily and your CG built-up? Their greatest need is your holiness. So, spend time with Jesus daily because when you behold Him you become more like him. Repent of sin quickly, live a church-centered life, and enjoy the steady sober-mindedness that comes from being with Jesus Christ.
Cultivate discernment. Proverbs 25:2 – It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out. Deuteronomy 29:29 says that the secret things belong to the Lord. Life is full of secret things that God has not called us to occupy ourselves with (Psalm 131). However, it’s the glory of a person in authority to search out all the wisdom and knowledge that God has revealed so that they can be an increasingly discerning boss, pastor, leader, father, mother, and Christian friend. As the old saying goes, “leaders are readers.” Ask godly people who use authority well in the same area you have authority to both advise you and give you great resources to read and listen to. Be a constant learner in your area of authority and the people under your authority will flourish. Now, this Proverbs assumes that once you search things out you’re going to take action and do something with your authority to build something great for God’s glory. If you’re a governing official, a manager, a pastor, a father, a parent, or a church member, ask God for tenacity to use your authority to build a city, a school, a company, a church, a marriage, a family that accomplishes the purpose that God has given to it in his word.
Cultivate love. Proverbs 20:28 – Steadfast love and faithfulness preserve the king, and by steadfast love his throne is upheld. I love that combination; steadfast love and faithfulness. If you’re faithful in authority people will follow you, but if you want to have their heart and help them flourish, you have to love them. The best way I know to cultivate love for someone is to pray for them. Whoever God has given you authority over, pray for them earnestly. But also pray for God’s steadfast love and faithfulness to fill you so that you’re steadfast and faithful with authority. God shows his great love for us in that when we were sinners Christ died for our sins and rose to give eternal life to all who trust in Him. Live daily under the steadfast love of God that is so great that he gave his Son for you and then pray earnestly for your direct reports, your church, your wife, your children, and your fellow church members. By prayer they will flourish. I have a rifle. I received it from Andrea’s late grandfather. It’s powerful and I want to use it only for good. Friends, you have authority. You’ve received it from Almighty God. Honor God with it so that others will flourish, to the glory of God.
How do you honor God under authority? Proverbs provides one broad principle and then several specific practices. Broad principle: Honor God under authority by seeking the favor of your authorities and by making it easy and delightful for them to lead you, to the glory of God. In a sense, the goal of those in authority and those under authority is the same: flourishing. The one with authority and the one under authority should make it as easy and delightful for the other to flourish in the role God has given them. A manager should use their God-given authority to lead his department to flourish and fulfill God’s purpose for it. An employee should honor God under that authority by making it as easy and delightful as possible for the manager to fulfill their responsibility. Whether you’re under authority in your nation & city, your company, your school, your church, or your home, seek the favor of the person God has given authority over you and make their heavy responsibility a delight. How do we do that? To honor God under authority, Proverbs urges us to cultivate the following virtues.
Cultivate wisdom and competence. Proverbs 14:35 – A servant who deals wisely has the king’s favor, but his wrath falls on one who acts shamefully. The way to make it a delight for those in authority over you, the way to win their favor, the way to ensure that the God-glorifying mission is accomplished in your home, your workplace, your church, and your nation is to be competent and wise in your followership. How can you be a competent and wise child under your parents, wife under your husband, church member under your pastors, employee under your manager, student under your teacher, and citizen under your government? Cultivate wisdom and competence in your followership and you’ll have the favor of those God has placed in authority over you.
Cultivate honesty and a gracious spirit. Proverbs 22:11 – He who loves purity of heart, and whose speech is gracious, will have the king as his friend. To seek the flourishing of the people in authority over you, as well as the good of whatever sphere you’re in, be honest with those in authority over you. Speak the truth. Don’t lie, don’t shade the truth, and don’t use dishonesty as a means to some good end. Cultivate a gracious spirit and kill every tendency toward having a critical heart. Cultivate honesty and a gracious spirit and it will be a delight for those in authority over you.
Cultivate honor over insubordination. Proverbs 24:21-22 – My son, fear the LORD and the king, and do not join with those who do otherwise, for disaster will arise suddenly for them, and who knows the ruin that will come from them both? If your siblings are disobeying your parents, don’t join in, honor the Lord and your parents. If other wives disrespect or are critical of their husbands, don’t join in, honor the Lord and your husband. If other church members are complaining about the pastors, don’t join in, honor the Lord and your pastors. If other employees are ignoring the boss or being lazy, don’t join them, honor the Lord and your manager. If other citizens complain about the government more than pray for their government, don’t join them, honor the Lord and the governing officials.
Cultivate patience. Proverbs 25:15 – With patience a ruler may be persuaded, and a soft tongue will break a bone. We have all been in a situation either at home, at church, at work, or in the public square when the God appointed authority is either not using their authority to lead or not using it to lead well. What do you do? Lead up patiently. Children, if your parents don’t teach you God’s word, pray with you, or only take you to church occasionally, patiently and kindly ask them to change their ways. If they lead family devotions in a way that doesn’t connect with you, patiently and kindly tell them how they can. Wives, if your husband is not loving you as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, win him over with what the New Testament calls, the unfading beauty of a quiet, gentle spirit. With a loving, gracious tone, be honest with him about his shortcomings and how you’d like to be a helper suitable to encourage him to where the Lord would have him be. All husbands need that. He will fold under your criticism, but he will rise to your encouragement. Employees, if your manager isn’t getting the project done, ask her how you can help get things across the finish line. If he doesn’t have a vision for your role, share with him yours and offer to do all the work to make it happen. Citizens, if your governing authorities are not punishing evil or rewarding good as God defines it, then go to school board meetings and speak up, lobby, vote, write letters, and be part of solving problems.
What’s your next step in honoring God with authority and honoring God under authority? What do you need to turn from cultivating and what can you turn to cultivating, to the glory of God? Is there a conversation or God-glorifying change that needs to be had or begin today?
How can we possibly honor God with authority and honor God under authority when those under our authority are often insubordinate and those in authority are often so flawed? The answer is that we don’t treat them as they deserve, but we treat them as Christ treats us. The Lord Jesus Christ is the ultimate authority. The earth is his and everyone in it. He rightly rules over every nation. He is ultimate authority. However, we’ve all rebelled against his authority. He’s the king and we’ve all committed treason against him by disobeying or ignoring him in his world. He is the king and, as Proverbs says, we deserve his wrath. However, Jesus our King is so full of grace and mercy that he used his authority to take on flesh, he used his authority to live righteously for our credit, he submitted to his Father’s authority to the point of death on the cross for our sins, and on the third day the Father raised him from the grave. Jesus is the true and greater husband who literally laid down his life to forgive our sins and purify us as his bride forever. If you receive and rest in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, Jesus will use his authority to declare you not guilty forever. The Lord Jesus Christ perfectly honored his Father with authority and under His authority so that now in Christ we too can honor God with and under authority.