Go Where the Lord Sends You

Jonah 1:1-16

This is a naval urban legend popularized by former Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell in a 2008 speech and debunked by the U.S. Navy. The story as an illustration for the situation in Jonah 1:1-16 was first used, to my knowledge, by H.B. Charles Jr.

Tyndale Old Testament Commentary, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, by Desmond Alexander

Tim Keller, The Prodigal Prophet

Embrace Missional Living

  • Matthew, R.C. Sproul, St. Andrew Expositional Commentary
  • Matthew, R.T. France, New International Commentary on the New Testament
  • Matthew, David Platt, Christ-Centered Exposition
  • Matthew, Michael Green, The Bible Speaks Today

The Gospel Isn’t Therapy

Romans 5:1-11

  • Goodtherapy.com
  • Adapted from Doug Moo’s definition in The Epistle to the Romans (New International Commentary on the New Testament), page 227
    Romans For You by Tim Keller, page 79
  • Ibid